Fish in the Sea

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"Erin wait!" I yelled trying to catch up to her just before she leaves uncle's home. "Erin stop, let me explain." My hand had roughly grabbed her wrists while she tries to shake me off. But I wasn't going to let her go. She needed to hear me out.

Turning around she glared at me, shaking my hand off harshly before stumbling back, "What the hell is that thing?" She shouted probably scared and angry at the same time.

"Look I know what she looks like but..."

"But what? That thing is not even human." Her voice growing louder. At that moment I wanted uncle. He probably could explain Kara better than I can. Where was he anyway? I'm sure he should have heard Erin's loud voice by now.

"Her name is Kara."

"Oh my fucking god! You named that thing?" She spoke in disgust.

"Stop calling her a 'thing' Erin." I yelled back fuming that she's calling Kara a thing. She is anything but a thing. And I don't care if she is my sister but I will not have her disrespecting Kara like that. "If you would just shut up for one second and let me explain."

"Go on explain." Crossing her arms she leaned against the wall.

"Her name is Kara and she's my girlfriend."

At the word of girlfriend Erin's hand dropped to her side, "Wha..."

"Now before you say anything hear me out." I held up my hand interrupting her.

"I think I need to sit down." Pulling out a chair, Erin made her self comfortable while I started to pace back and forth. How am I suppose to explain Kara. Hell after ten years I still have a hard time believing in mermaids but here she is, upstairs in my uncle's tub.

Taking a deep breath I started from the beginning. Of course I didn't go too much into detail but from the time I fell off the boat till now.

Erin didn't say anything, she didn't have to say anything. The look on her face shown disbelief. If anyone had told me about mermaids before Kara I would have laugh at them and call them crazy. Erin didn't do neither however.

"And uncle is okay with this?"

"He's actually doing some research on her so that..."

"She can be like us?" She finishes with a nod. I'd expect her to yell at me some more or tell me I'm a lunatic for even giving Kara a name or stating that she is my girl friend. That my girl friend is half fish.

"Yes." I answered nonchalantly.

"And is he any close to finding the answer?"  For a minute Erin sounded interested. In fact she sounded hopeful.

"Erin why do you sound more intrigued by this?"

Erin just shrugged her shoulders, "Can I meet her?"

Nodding my head I lead Erin back up stairs, "Just be careful because this is all new to her."

"You mean she's never been this far away from the waters before?"

"No, uncle thought presenting Kara on dry land would make me happy." I could hear splashing coming from uncle's tub.

"And did it?" Erin cockily raised a brow. Without my answer she smiled before making her way into the bathroom.

Once she gazes at Kara, Erin's eyes had become more softer as Kara meets her stare she smiles. And I couldn't help but smile along with her. After all Kara has the most beautiful smile.

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