Girl Friend II

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"Look at my boy, he is all grown up." Mother entered my room while I try to fix my tie.

"Mom." I gave a short nod.

Mother step forward taking control of my tie and fixing it up. "You know dear, your father is only looking out for your best interest."

I sighed lowering my head, "Does he ever ask what I want."

"We are your parents and we know what's best for you?" She smoothed out my hair.

"Mom, I'm turning sixteen today, I think I know what I want."

"And what is it that you want?"

"I know I don't want to marry Hazel."

"And why not, she is a sweet girl who would make a great wife. Unless you tell my the reason you don't want to marry her."

I wanted to yell at her, tell her I have a girl friend, tell her about Kara but I didn't. If I did she'd want to meet her and I can't, well she won't understand.

"Hi, there, am I interrupting something." Suddenly a very quiet voice had entered my room unannounced.

"Hazel do not just come in without my permission." I scolded.

"Collin, is that anyway to talk to her...."

"Mom, this is my room. It's bad enough she goes to my school and is living in the same house as me, at least give my room to myself." I yelled.

Ever since Hazel came to stay with us, she did follow me everywhere. So much that I didn't get to go to the beach as much. I tried to sneak away but she was always at my door.

And I had miss Kara, just being near her makes me happy. Why can't anyone see that.

"I'm sorry." Hazel cast her eyes downward.

"Whatever." Leaving the room I march down stairs were I was met with the rest of my family.

"Wow little bro you sure are handsome tonight, why a tux." Erin asked.

"Beats me. This was uncle's idea."

"Frederic." Father rolled out his name in distaste.

"I don't understand why you don't like him, he is your brother after all."

"When you're older you'll find out." That's what he is saying but to me all I hear is 'I'm never ever going to like him.'

"Enough, let's get this over with." Jamie headed out the door.

After a few minutes drive which wasn't very long I mean we could have walked there but my parents don't do much walking so instead we took the family car and found ourselves at the beach where the guest were already mingling among themselves.

"Happy Birthday my dear boy." Uncle strolled up to me and hugged me before hugging the rest of my siblings, and mother and a nod towards father.

"Uncle, this is nice." I glanced around. Considering we were at the beach, uncle had set up a nice setting on the sidewalk.

"Collin." I turned around to see Eva running towards me, "Come on everyone is here." She pulled at my hand dragging me along with her.

"Wait for me." Hazel attempted to run after me but stumbled a bit followed by uncle.

As I was now the center of attention greeting a few people here and there. Some were from my school and some were distant relatives who I don't really know but still came to celebrate my birthday.

The night press on and Hazel not once had left my side.

"Bud." Uncle handed me a can of soda while he grabs himself a beer.

"Yes uncle."

"You know you haven't introduced me to this lovely lady by your side."

I rolled my eyes not wanting to even introduce her.

"Hazel, his future wife." None the less she introduced herself.

"I told you to stop telling people that."

"Future wife..." Uncle repeated. " know I have a very special birthday present for you."

Though uncle always has thrown me a birthday party I was kind of sick of getting more shells from me. While I stared out into the open see, all night I was hoping I would hear the buoy. Letting me know she was close but all night not once had I heard it.

"Uncle I think I'm a little old for sea shells don't you think?"

Uncle smiled, "Oh my boy you will like this present. Follow me."

I don't know what he has planned but I followed him along with Hazel. Uncle had told me to stay here practically in the center of everyone while commotions were taking place.

The sound of clinking glass could be heard coming from uncle himself.

"Could I have everyone's attention." His voice projected the entire place as the people gave him their full undivided attention. "I'd like to make a toast to my nephew, Collin Burnell who turns sixteen today. May my dear nephew get's all that his heart desires." With one finally word everyone lifts up their glasses and drank what they are holding followed by an applause.

"Now," my uncle continues, "I have a special gift for my nephew here." Setting down his drink he left going into a small shack while everyone here remains clueless including me.

Slowly the shack opened and I almost dropped my glass. "Kara." I spoke earning a glare from Hazel but I could care less.

There in a wheel chair was the one who I had longed to see for the past few days.

Her sandy hair was blowing in the wind, her blue eyes was staring back at me and her top half was in a nice polo shirt.

But the bottom half, the bottom half! My eyes instantly went towards her fin but it was covered in some kind of white jumper suit.

Setting my glass down I immediately ran to her embracing her in the process. The people began to whisper, I didn't care. Hell I couldn't care less that people were going to start rumors.

Kara threw her arms around me.

"I told you I'd find away to bring her to you." My uncle leaned in and spoke in my ears, "But I'm still finding away for you and her to be together permanently."

Bending down, I lightly rubbed her cheeks with my fingers, not believing she is here with me on a dry land. Granted she is in a wheel chair.

"Collin." Father's voice had inturrupted my moment, "Frederic what is the meaning of this?" I didn't have to look at him to know he is pissed.

The guest grew quiet as I felt Hazel's eyes gazed on me sadly.

Rising to my feet I stared at the man before me as he looks at Kara murderously.

"Who the hell is she?" Hazel for the first time had raised her voice at me.

Kara looked a bit frightened but with a gently touch from me, I assured her no harm will come her way.  "Watch your tone." I growled.  I will not have anyone disrespect Kara.

"Is this her?" Erin beamed. Why is she the only one that seems happy about this situation.

"You will tell me Collin..."

With much courage I answered, "My girl friend."

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