Girl Friend

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"Where the hell have you been boy and why the hell are you wet?"  Father's voice boomed once I had entered.

"I was out." I proceeded to storm upstairs when my brother Jamie blocked my way. "Move."

"Not so face little brother," he smirked, "We have been waiting for you all day."

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I didn't have time for this, "Collin, please have a seat." Mother's voice was sweet and firm.

I wasn't really paying attention to the people in the room until my attention towards an unfamiliar girl who thought it be wise to sit next to me. "Who are you?"

"Son, that's no way to take to your future wife."

Wife! "What the hell do you mean old man?" I abruptly stood up. I was now surrounded by my idiot family.  After coming home from a long day, you would think I could relax on my bed but instead my family decided to spring this on me, whatever this is.

"As I was saying this young lady is Hazel Carey, same age as you and your fiance."

Clenching my fist, my jaw tick, "I'm only 15. And this is the 21st century. No one dictates marriages today."  I argued. No way in hell I'll let father ruin anymore of my life.

"Well we do. We had plan this way before you were born."

This man is sick, he needs to see a doctor, "Why me, why not Jamie. He is almost twenty six and still single." I was practically screaming.

"Hazel is your age and my close friend's daughter who will be away for a year in America so he is entrusting us to take care of his daughter."

Unbelievable, "Have you thought of asking me," I glared at the man.

"Collin." My mother patted my back as if to calm me down, "Listen to your father, Hazel will make a good wife."

"Mother! And you agreed?"

"Of course, she comes from a good family."

"Collin." The girl whispered my name, "I will make the perfect wife for you."

"I don't fucking care if you are the queen of England or the only woman on earth, I don't want you and refuse to marry you." I was honest to a fault but my words had hurt her somehow and for a second I wanted to apologized but then I remembered Kara. I had already someone though my parents would disapproved of me marrying Kara considering it's probably impossible my uncle for one would be glad.

"Son just give her a chance. Starting tomorrow she will go to school with you and live here. Her room is next door to yours."

I give up. No matter what I say father is set on me marrying this girl. But in no way will I ever agree.

Not saying another word I marched up to my room throwing my bag on my chair and falling back in my bed.

Pulling out my cell phone I stared at the picture of her on my back ground while smiling.

Until a knock had disturbed me. Opening the door I was surprise to see her considering I was harsh with her holding a cup of tea, "I brought you some tea." She smiled oblivious to my glare.

"I don't want it." I slammed the door in her face only for her to knock on my door again.

"What!" I opened it once again.

"I want to know why you won't marry me."

"I have a girl friend." She frowned at my words.

"Oh. Is she pretty?"

"Yes." I smiled as Kara's face popped in my head.

"May I see a picture of her?"

"Why?" I asked curousily.

"Because maybe I can see what type of girl you like. Then hopefully I could live up to your expectation."

"No matter what you do, you will never come close to Kara." I snarled at her before I slammed the door on her again.

Not a minute too soon there was another knock at my door, can't she take a hint. I want nothing to do with her.

"What the fuck is it now?" Instantly I opened the door raising my voice only to come in contact with my sister Erin.

"Calm your jets little bro. Can I come in?"

With a small nod she came in making her self comfortable on my bed. "So tell me," she wasted no time to ask, "What is it that you dislike about Hazel?"

"I don't know her." I scoffed.

"I see so why don't you get to know her. I heard she is sweet."

"Erin if you are here to pissed me off then I suggest you leave."

"OKay, okay, I get you don't want to know her or marry her but can I have a reason."

When I made no answer she continued, "Is it a girl?" She smiled.

Still I said no word, "It is a girl. Who is she?  Come on tell me?"


"Because I have known you since you were a child and I know sometimes you smile to yourself like a fool or you skip classes and it is not to be with your friends."

Though I do like my sister she can sometimes be nosy but she means well. So not like Jamie who only tries to make my life a living hell. You'd think once he was finish with school he'd go out and live else where. But no, he still live with mom and dad.

Ever since I was a kid he was always competiting with me. I don't know why, he was ten years older than me. Not that I was good at everything but I did surpass him and dad was always comparing him to me which he dislikes.

"If I say yes would you leave me alone."

Erin squealed at my answer, "Oh my god, you have a girl friend."

"Shut up will you. You are too loud. I don't want dad finding out."

"But why? Maybe if you tell them they wouldn't force you to marry Hazel."

"Force or not, I'm not marrying her. Besides if I tell them, they'd want to meet her and I doubt they would agree with our relationship."

"Why not. I'm sure they would."

Yeah right. If dad found out I was in love with a fish he'd have me committed just like he tried with uncle.

"Not happening now let's drop the topic will you."

"Fine fine, at least tell me her name."


"Kara, that's it."

"What else is there to know."

"Well I wanted to know if she goes to your school or you have a picture of her."

"You are not going to drop this now are you?"

"Nope." She said popping the P.

"Very well." Taking my cell phone I handed it to her with Kara and my picture on it.

Erin gazed at the picture then smiled, "Oh my god, she is so cute and pretty. You make a cute couple."

I was pleased to know she approved. This made me happy. "Can I meet her?"

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