"It was amazing. He was amazing. And yes the song did make it more amazing." Audrey told me with a smile on her face.

"You are very welcome. I'm also very happy that i happened to walk in when I did rather than later when you two were actually doing stuff," I said and Audrey started laughing. I started laughing and we were laughing hysterically when the boys came in carrying the suitcases.

"What the hell did we miss?" Peter muttered to Everett. Everett shrugged and the two of them looked at us like we were crazy, which could quite possibly be very true.

"Phew. Okay. I'll show you guys where to put the bags." Audrey walked Peter and I into the bedroom that we would share for the week. It was the biggest guest bedroom I had ever seen in my life.

"Are you sure this is the guest bedroom?" I asked, stunned by the mere size of the room.

"Yes it is. You and Peter can feel free to do whatever you want to get comfortable." Audrey winked before leaving the room. I blushed a little and started taking some of my clothes out of my suitcase and putting them onto hangers in the walk-in closet. A few minutes later a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me close. Peter clasped his hands together and rested his head on my shoulder. I could feel his warm breathe on my neck, making the little hairs stand up straight. I smiled and turned so my body was right against his. He held the side of my face in his right hand and gently stroked my cheek with his thumb. I put my right hand on the back of his neck and pulled his face towards mine and kissed his lips gently. Peter cupped my head in his hands and kissed me even deeper. I pushed him onto the bed and straddled him. He smiled and his whole face lit up.

"I love it when you are like this. Well I actually just love you every second of every day," Peter whispered to me.

"And I love you too Peter," I smiled and kissed him again, even deeper than before. We kissed for awhile before we broke apart. We agreed to continue this later so we could hang out with Audrey and Everett.

 "Well it's about time you two love birds showed up. Everett and I have decide that we want to go swimming so do you guys want to meet us out on the beach?" Audrey said. She and Everett were in their bathing suits so Peter and I went back into our room to get changed. We didn't bother going in separate rooms because we have seen each other naked more than a few times. I put on a bikini that had a floral design on it. It was a very flattering bikini; it showed off my big breasts and my toned body.

"Babe c'mon. It's not like you haven't seen me with less on," I laughed when I saw that Peter was looking me up and down. He laughed and pulled off his shirt that revealed his defined abs. He had his swim trunks on and two towels tucked under his arm.

"Are you ready to go, babe?" Peter asked. I nodded and walked out of the room with him. We walked through the back doors and he stopped suddenly. He was in awe. I had been to the beach house many times and I was still amazed by it, but I stopped being so stunned. I laughed and that seemed to awaken Peter from his trance. We walked all the down the path where Audrey and Everett were. 

"I think that's a record for you two. That was very fast." Everett said laughing. He and Peter ran off into the water and left Audrey and I alone to talk. 

"So have you guys stopped having sex or making out whenever you changed in front of each other?" Audrey said with an accusing look.

"Hell no. We have just toned it down a bit. Plus we had to hurry to come out here so we could hang out with you guys. And I honestly don't know how it took you and Everett this long."

"I don't know actually. It just never really came up until last night."

"I'm happy for you guys though." I said and smiled. At that moment, Everett and Peter came running towards us. Before I could register what was happening, Peter picked me up and put me over his shoulder and ran towards the water. I saw that Everett had done the same to Audrey and she was shrieking as he carried her. 

"No. Peter stop. NOOOO-" I tried to protest but Peter had already thrown me into the water. The water was freezing and when I came up from the water, I started shivering a little. Peter wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him.

"I hate you so much right now," I said. Peter gasped and put his hand on his heart.

"Kaylee, I think you have broken my heart." Peter said dramatically. I rolled my eyes and kissed him.

"Everett I am not going in that water. I refuse to. NOOOO!" Audrey screeched. She was holding onto Everett for dear life so he couldn't throw her in. Peter and I looked at each other and instantly knew what the other was thinking.

"Ready?" Peter smiled maliciously. I nodded and we ran towards Everett and Audrey and knocked both of them into the water. They both screamed a little before falling into the water. Peter and I just laughed when we saw the looks on their faces when they came up from the water. Audrey balled up her fists and knit her eyebrows together; she was fumming. I shrieked and started running because I knew that she would be chasing me. Peter ran next to me and together we ran away from the angry couple. 

"Worth it?" Peter asked as we ran.

"Totally worth it." I answered and we joined hands and started laughing.


Sorry about the wait for this chapter. School started for me and I was busy with school. But here it is. The finished chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. You guys finally got a better understanding of Peter and Kaylee. Should I include more chapters in their P.OV.? Tell  me in the comments below. Thanks for reading guys!






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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2014 ⏰

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