Chapter 1

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Authors note; this story isn't all exactly from how it happened in my real life, cause, well, I highly doubt most of you would ever go through online dating all the stuff I went through online the exact same way. It makes more sense if the stuff is In real life. Ya'know? So anywho enjoy.

After the whole tornado incident that happened with (Y/n) and loosing Jake, she set out on a quest to find true love once more. She had dated several guys for no more than 3 weeks at a time for the next 3 years, jumping into relationships and trying to feel loved and feel the way she had with Jake once more.

(Y/n)'s POV, 15 years old

'Ughh this guy is soooo sweet, I wonder if he likes me.' I thought to myself as I texted a guy named Brian. I had already been talking to him for a week, and I thought he could definitely be boyfriend material.

I typed up a message to him, skimming it over a few times before sending it. "Hey do you like me?" I texted. He was pretty hot, and I was sure he was into me too. Or, more so, my online profile pic and all the fake nudes I sent him from this famous online person. Some people could easily recognize that it was Acacia Clark who I catfished as, but this guy didn't have a clue who that was, so it was easy to catfish him. Besides, we only voice called, never video called. So he didn't have to know. I'd tell him someday if the two of us got serious enough to actually meet.

My phone made a chime, and I picked it up immediately. "Yeah I do, you're super cute and funny too." He responded. I squealed to myself. 'He likes you, that's perfect.' I thought to myself.

"Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" I texted back. My mom constantly bickered about how the guy should always ask the girl these sorts of questions, but its the 21st century, and girls have a say in life now. I mean its not the 1950's when guys had to court girls.

My phone chimed again. When I looked at the text I felt my stomach drop. "Nah, I'm not really into you like that." Was his response. I sighed, shrugging it off and sending him a quick 'Okay' before throwing the phone across the room and laying on my bed defeated.

This had been going on for several years now. I'm 15 years old now, but none of the people I've dated online for the past few years have never struck the feeling of heated cheeks and the butterfly filled stomach like Jake had.

I sighed once more, grabbing my phone and ear buds, connecting them up, and walking downstairs so I could take a walk. Fresh air sounded great, and I needed to clear my mind. But I always wondered how come things were so easy when it came to Jake, and why couldn't I feel that all again?

I slipped on a pair of shoes and left the house. Thank whatever god was above that mom had finally stopped being a control freak about going outside or going over to friends houses. I just wanna be a little more independant.

I walked over to my old elementary, just a few blocks away. School was out for the day, so I was allowed onto the campus without someone kicking me off for 'protection purposes.' But there were still a few moms sitting out on the cement sitting wall letting their kids run around and play on the playground equipment. 

This was my special place to go. There was an open field used for soccer, and a sidewalk style track around the field that was smaller than a quarter of a mile. Along the track, there were some picnic tables set up for a new outdoor camping program that started up the year before, something you weren't lucky enough to have when I was a little kid.

Sitting on these benches offered the best view of everything this place had to offer. The school, the yucky children, the sunset when time came, and the quietness that being closer to home didn't offer because of shitty drivers in the area.

This was it, this was my peaceful place. The place where I could escape and either listen to music or listen to the sound of nature. This is where I came when I was hurting.

I turned my phone on, plugged in earbuds and played my favorite song on repeat. The mix of the song and the nature made it easy to escape reality for a little bit, made things better since my dating life sucked. Life sucked in general.

I sat there for half an hour, just humming along to the music and even letting a few tears fall silently while I hummed.

All the sudden some dude stepped onto the bench I had my feet on and sat on the table next to me, earbuds in as well. I gave him a look, wondering why a strangers was sitting next to me.

The boy stared at me, and I just stared back. What was this? Was this some sorta joke? I stopped the music and pulled an earbud out "Uhm... Can I help you?" I asked him.

He pauses his music as well, pulling out an ear bud. "No, I'm just sitting here enjoying the view." He says, turning his head away and looking out at the playground.

I shrug, getting up and sitting on another picnic table, just enjoying my time and listening to my music. From where I was sitting, I noticed the strange guy was still staring at me. I felt creeped out, but I just let it happen.

After another hour, I got up and went home, leaving the stranger alone in the park to stare at other things that weren't me. As I walked home I sorta thought about it. Come to think of it, he was sorta cute. Maybe I should have been nicer.

The thoughts were long lost once I got home and saw a new recipe and a couple of ingredients scattered across the island. I grabbed the recipe, read through it, and pulled out the rest of the ingredients. The recipe was for this weird fifteen minute 'Breakfast Pasta' as the recipe was titled. I thought it was a little strange, but considering we've had breakfast for dinner in past meals, it would probably be perfect for tonight's dinner.

I cooked the chopped bacon, adding a little bit of sugar like the recipe said to, letting the bacon caramelize a little, then threw in cooked pasta. Once that was mixed in, I added 1 cup of milk to coat the noodles, cracked 6 eggs directly into the pasta and threw a cup of cheese over it, stirring it all together. it was sort of like carbonara, but with sugar in it and it was apparently for breakfast.

It was done in 15 minutes just like the recipe said, which gave me time to set the table and have time to just chill before my mom came home.

Once that was all done, I got on my phone and opened up Facebook messenger, texting some new cute guys, hoping that I could get another boyfriend on there and hopefully feel how I did when jake was in my life.

I still wondered about where he was, I even looked through our old, undeleted chat. His facebook seemed to have been shut down, so all I had were the memories of him. it made me sad, but I had already healed. I just wanted to feel like I was in love again.

Basically the rest of the day was boring, I talked to people, had dinner with my family, talked to people more after dinner, watched something on Netflix, and took a shower.

Once the day had ended, you laid in bed and sighed. Who was that guy from earlier today? Did you know him? He didn't look familiar. Maybe you should go there tomorrow at the same time. maybe he would be there again. Or maybe you should just stay away, maybe he was a stalker.

The chances of what he could and could not have been were endless. You thought of this until you fell asleep, your dreams thankfully not filled with him at all, but instead filled with A strange vision of you with your family in the future. All of you were sat around in a living room, it was sometime around christmas. your husband was there, you had 3 kids. you were all happy. That would be you someday, hopefully.... 

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