"I am a Dauntless-born," I lie easily, there's a reason as to why I didn't get Candor.

"Mhm... How come I've never seen you around before, then?" He asks, a suspicious look in his eyes.

"I just didn't leave my room a lot," I answer easily, why am I lying again? Oh because you're from Amity and you don't want to seem weak.

"Mhm..." He doesn't believe me, "Well I guess we'll see tomorrow."

He just wanted to see why I was sitting with the Dauntless-born? Why is he so nosy?

"You're aware he's going to recognize you in training tomorrow, right?" Reagan asks slowly, and a confused look makes its way onto my face.

"What do you mean? Why?" I question, and she sighs.

"He and Alex are going to be training the transfers, and you're a transfer, duh," she rolls her eyes, and I lay my head on the table.

"Oh." Is all I say with a sigh.

"Well, I think it's time you all head to the dorms, you have a big day ahead of you," Alex says standing up.

"Okay, see you all tomorrow at dinner, I guess," I say over my shoulder with a wave as I walk back to the dorms.

I remember Alex saying something about having to be ready by six in the morning, so I should probably get as much rest as possible. As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out cold.

I wake up gasping for air, and look around. Thankfully I didn't wake anyone up. I check the time and it reads four o'clock. I might as well get a shower so I don't have to in front of everyone. I get out a clean set of clothes and take them with me. I quickly strip and put my clothes on the little table beside the shower. When I'm done I dress quickly, the clothing slightly sticking to my skin from not being completely dry. I throw my hair in a tight ponytail, making sure it won't fall down during training and when I'm done I check the time again, it's already a few minutes until five.

I wonder if breakfast is ready yet, I decide to go on down to the cafeteria, and I'm immediately hit with a wonderful scent of muffins. If you don't know already I have fallen in love with muffins, especially Dauntless muffins.

I grab a fresh one off of the stand and sit at the table we sat at yesterday, and soon enough all of the other initiates pile in, making the cafeteria very hectic. Soon Zane, Reagan, Alex, and Raelynn are sitting at the table as well, and I can't help but feel a bit nervous for today.

"You nervous?" Reagan laughs as I start to slightly bounce my knee up and down.

"No, I'm fine, it can't be that hard, can it?" I laugh a bit.

"I'll make sure Eric doesn't go so hard on you," Alex chuckles and I raise an eyebrow.

"Eric is very hardcore, he was in our initiation, well, not Alex's, but he was in mine," Raelynn explains.

"Wait... So he's only like twenty-one then isn't her?" I ask, and they nod their heads, "Isn't that a bit young to be a leader?"

"Age doesn't matter here," Zane answers, and I make on 'o' shape with my mouth.

"Oh, okay," I start, "Alex, what time do we need to be in the training room?"

"Um... We have another ten minutes, but you can go on if you want too, it's always unlocked, do you remember how to get there?" He questions and I nod my head.

"Yep!" I answer, popping the 'p' before standing up, "Bye guys! Wish me luck!"

And with that, I head towards the training room.

I look around at all of the punching bags, I wonder how hard I could make one move... I walk up to a punching bag and get into my stance, before throwing the punch. It moves a few inches, I guess that's good.

I try a few tricks and then the initiates begin to flood in, I go to join them and wipe the sweat off of my forehead. Eric and Alex walk in and they start talking about some fighting moves, how your stance should look like and I find myself thinking about something else since I already know all of this. I used to read a lot of fighting and how to fight, it was very entertaining although I had to hide it from all of the other Amity or they would've probably made me eat their bread.

I see someone's fingers snap in front of my face, and I gasp, looking into those blue eyes once again.

"Is this boring to you, initiate?" He asks coldly, and I slightly roll my eyes, which probably isn't a good thing but whatever I guess.

"I know all of this already," I smart off, and he raises one of his brows.

"Oh, really?" He starts, "Then why don't you come up to show the others since they probably don't know,"

"Gladly," I answer before strutting off to the map, waiting for him to tell me what to do.

"Alex, stand in front of her so she can show what she can do, go easy on her, I heard she was actually an Amity," he snarls, and I tilt my head to the side.

"Just because I'm from Amity doesn't mean I'm not Dauntless," I tell him before turning back to Eric.

"This is my stance," I say as I put my feet out shoulders length, and put my hands up in the correct way, "Keep tension in your lower stomach."

"Good..." Alex whispers, and I slightly nod my head.

"Here is the basic punch, which everyone should know by now," I see as I fake-punch Alex in the face, "You really need to know your opponent before you fight,"

I go out of my stance as I say that, and Alex takes that as his chance to sweep me off my feet, causing a gasp of shock to escape my mouth, but before he can do anything more, I hop back up, punching him in the stomach where his hands aren't protecting, and he grabs my wrist and goes to throw me on my back, and I wince slightly as the scars on my back from when I lived in Amity aren't healed.

I manage to yank my wrist out of his grasp and punch his throat causing him to grab at it, slightly gasping for air and I take this as my chance to push him with all my strength onto the ground and hold him down until Eric says we can stop.

"I got to admit, Amity, you're pretty good for a beginner," he nods his head in approval, and I take my place back with the other transfers, hearing someone scoff out something about me being a show-off. Which is kind of true.

"Points for bravery, but not as many as you just lost for not paying attention and talking back to a Dauntless leader," he says and then he gets back to showing the other transfers some of the moves I did, and a few more, but this time I try to pay more attention.

What's your Zodiac/Star sign??


✔The Broken Amity [Eric Coulter Fanfic] (COMPLETE)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon