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Alfred bit his lip nervously as he stared down at the positive pregnancy test, he had been feeling ill for the last two weeks so on a whim he had bought he test believing that he was just being paranoid. But now he knew that he wasn't. 

"Alfred? Are you alright? You've been in there for a while" Ivan questioned worriedly causing Alfred to let out a shaky sigh. 

"Y-yeah I'm fine" He called mentally curing himself for stuttering. He took a deep breathe before he opened up the bathroom door and met his husbands worried gaze. 

"Are you still not feeling well? You look really pale" The Russian said worriedly as he gently brushed Alfred bangs out of his face which caused a soft smile to appear on the American's face. 

"Yes, but I know what's causing it now" He said causing Ivan to raise a curious eyebrow, to which Alfred lifted up the positive pregnancy test. He just barely stopped himself from bursting out laughing when he saw just how wide Ivan's got. 

"Y-you're pregnant" He whispered in awe and Alfred just nodded with a small smile on his face only to squeak in shock when Ivan pulled him into a tight hug and picked him up so that he could spin him around, which caused Alfred to laugh. 

"Ivan put me down or I will throw up on you, do not test me" He warned playfully which caused Ivan to chuckle in amusement before he complied. He gently placed his hand on Alfred's currently flat stomach with a soft look in his eyes. 

"We're going to be parents" He said softly with a warm smile on his face which Alfred perfectly matched as he placed his own hand over Ivan's.

"Yeah" He mumbled just as softly, and in that moment all of his worries flew out the window. As long as Ivan was with him everything would be fine. 

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