Paul's Perspective

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The four of us entered the living room, everyone seemingly oblivious to the fact that was mid-panic attack. I forced myself to breathe normally, staring at a spot on the wall path Keith's head unblinkingly. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why the fuck did I fire Robert? I sent him straight to the enemy. And he was a good driver and a loyal man to boot.

"We were surprised you called," Anita said, balancing baby Marlon on her lap while pulling out a cigarette. I waited for Linda to tell her not to smoke in the house, but she didn't. "We've hardly heard from you for months, and now this, its all very out of the blue."

"It wasn't really a social call, honestly," Linda said before nudging me to continue for her.

I struggled to find my words, cursing my wife for throwing me under the bus. "It's about Lorraine." Keith gave a knowing smirk that made my blood go cold, but I pushed the thought away. "She came home a wreck, and I know you all said it as food poisoning, but we're in the same crowd, we've done the same things. I know you both take a lot of junk, and I know what it looks like."

After a pause, Anita snorted and rolled her eyes. "Are you insane, McCartney? You think we'd give hard drugs to a child?"

"You don't see her as a child," Linda said, an unusual sharpness in her tone. "That much is obvious."

"I'm going to get a beer," Keith announced, standing up. "Join me, will you Paul?"

Part of me worried the two blondes might rip each other's throats out if I left them alone, but I didn't have any other option, so I followed the guitarist into my kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out two bottles, handing one to me. 

"Did you want to talk about something?" I asked as casually as possible.

"Don't play dumb; I know everything."

Sweat pooled in my armpits and along my brow. "What are you talking about?"

"Here's a tip: if you're going to fool around with your step-daughter in front of your driver, make sure you treat him well. And definitely don't fire, promise to pay him off, and then forget to." 

Crap, I'd never wired the cash. Bloody idiot! "Does Anita know?"

"Of course not, she can't keep a secret to save her life, but I can, and I will, provided you stop trying to control our relationship with Lo, and never, ever call me at home again and demand I come over to listen to your cunt of a wife lecture us. Do we have a deal?"

I bristled at him calling Linda a cunt, even though I called her worse in my head daily, but swallowed the anger. "No more drugs."

Keith pulled a bottle opener off the counter and popped open his Schiltz, taking a long swig before replying. "If we're being candid, getting her high wasn't my idea, and I don't want it to happen again, but I'm not going to make any promises because I don't have to. I could tell you I'm going to knock her up, marry her, and move Finland and you wouldn't do a damn thing cause you'd never risk Linda finding out what she married." He handed me the bottle-opener, or rather he slammed it so hard against my chest I would probably bruise. "That's how I know you weren't really a father to her, besides the fact that you've fucked her, of course. A real parent would do anything to protect their child, no matter the cost."

He pushed past me, rejoining the ladies inside, while I just stood there, pathetically trying not to cry.

Another short chapter, I'm sorry, but I think a pretty exciting one?? I wasn't sure when this would happen (or if it would ever happen) but it felt right so I trusted my gut. Excited to write more soon!

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