Chapter 49: Love and Friendship

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"Why did you invite me here?" Thelma demanded as soon as I closed the door to my room. "To humiliate me?"

"Of course not; I wanted to see you."

"And apparently you wanted to see Adam as well, and Rosie."

"No, no, it's was all just a cover." I pressed my fingers to my temples in an attempt to quell the migraine rapidly spreading through my skull. "It would look suspicious if I invited you and not my boyfriend or another friend. And now they'll be downstairs, distracted by Paul and Linda, and we can have a little alone time."

Thelma glowered at me, stepping backwards to avoid my embrace. "I don't like this, the way you're treating me. I thought I made it clear to you that I didn't want to be your lesbian experiment on the side, and that's precisely what I've become."

I opened my mouth to argue but clamped it shut when I realized she was right. After about a minute of silence, I said, "This time two years ago, I was a virgin. Then I met this guy- this good-looking, funny guy- and I fell in love." I sat down on my bed; Thelma didn't join me but moved closer, her toes pointed towards me instead of the door. "I've never been good at making friends, so he ended up being the only person I spent time with. He became my whole world, and then he ruined my life. I know that sounds melodramatic, but it's true, and now the idea of mixing sex and romance and friendship makes me want to vomit."

"But that's what it's supposed to be," she said, sitting beside me. "You're supposed to love the person you're sleeping with, or at least like them."

Thelma slipped her hand into mine and, after a moment, pressed her lips against mine. At first, I pulled back, nauseous at the thought of kissing her after I'd been so emotionally open, but when her arms wrapped around my waist, I melted like butter on a hot skillet. She pushed me flat against the mattress, lifting up my skirt, removing my panties and throwing them off to the side of the room. Her breasts pressed against mine, legs interlocked like jigsaw pieces, but beyond that, I could feel her bared soul rubbing against mine, hot and bright and beautiful.

"Do you want me?" she whispered against my neck, the hum of her voice making my throat buzz; the blood drained from my skull and rushed between my legs.

"I've never wanted anyone so much in my life."

She pulled back, her blue eyes sparkling. "You mean that?"

"Yes, I- I love you." With a devious grin, I flipped our position, parting her pale thighs with my knees. "Let me prove it to you."

Really sorry this is so short (and so late), I don't want to keep making excuses, but I'm dealing with the worst insomnia I've ever dealt with, and most days I don't have the attention span to write, most days I feel sick to my stomach. If any of you have any tips or tricks on getting to sleep, I'd love to hear them, I feel like I've tried everything and I'm kind of desperate. Love you guys, hoping to write another chapter as soon as possible, a 'Paul's Perspective' that's gonna be juicy ;)

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