"Don't be a dick, dude, come with me, I have better stuff then these girls." He only shook his head at my request. "Come on man, please?" This wasn't just for Luke, after my conversation with Remi I definitly needed something. He only rolled his eyes at me and I punched his shoulder, harder than I probably should have, and made my way back to the corner. 

I smiled when I saw the back of the head of the only girl I could tolerate tonight. "Alcohols no good, I've got better stuff." 

She turned to me smiling. "Oh really? What is it tonight?" 

I laughed. "Pills. Nothing too serious." I watched Holland replace her cup and come join me more towards the door. I could see Remi in my vision in another room, sitting beside Todd something, I couldn't remember the douche's last name. His arm was around her and I tried my hardest to focus on Holland. 

"Who got you here?" She asked.

"Luke, he told me we needed to get to know the class."

I saw her eyes shift at the mention of Luke's name, and I must have answered her question of who I was here with. 

"Oh geez, I'm sure you're having a blast." 

"Honestly," I reply. "I didn't know we had so many slutty girls in school with us. I've been offered so much in the last ten minutes I'm glad I found you so I can get away from that." I think back to Remi, and quickly try to shake the thought from my head.

"Oh please, you love it."

"Maybe a little. Anyway, wanna go into the bathroom and pop these suckers."

She nods and I take her arm and motion for her to follow me. I try to avoid the room where Luke is, but we have to pass the entry way, so all I can do it pray she doesn't look in. I go through the room Remi is in, in hopes she will take the hint that she is nothing but a potential fuck to me. I see her glance at us, but I direct my eyes to the bathroom. 

"Hooking up in the bathroom? How gross." Someone in Remi's crowd mumbles and I smile, satisfied at the attention me and Holland were getting. Not that I wanted people to think we were together, but right now she was helping me out. 

I took her in and she sat on the toilet and I handed her a pill, and she drank out of the sink to wash it down. I followed her lead and sat in the bathtub, and she followed me. I caught my high fairly quick, and it intensified my need for Remi's attention, and I tried to push it away, but her kissing my collarbone replayed over and over. I sighed and laid my head back, giving into my want. After awhile though, I could tell Holland was finished, and although we were both still buzzing, we made our way out of the room and I led her back to where I knew Luke was, hoping they would work out her shit. I sat on the arm of the couch and she sat beside me. I looked at the girls around me, trying to decide which would let me fuck them and leave without any complication. One girl resembled Remi from behind, and I began thinking of all the dirty things I could do without having to see her face, I began to get extremely turned on so when Holland asked for a beer, I shot up to retrieve one. 

Back in the kitchen, only three other people stood by the alcohol, refilling their drinks. I searched the fridge, and grabbed two beers, before shutting the door and I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Thats not mine, don't drink it." I heard Remi nag from behind me. In spite of her, I took the tab opener from the counter and popped it open, taking a sip. 

"Why so angry?" I joked.

"Don't show up at my house to drink my parents beer and fuck girls in my bathroom. I have to clean that now."

"Relax Rem, I didn't fuck Holland, she's Luke's girl."

Her features seemed to relax, and I couldn't help but enjoy her company.

Abnormal / / Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now