Feeling Better

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It has been a week since your mother was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time. You haven't gotten a call from your dad saying you can visit yet. You really want to see your mom, but if she wasn't ready for visitors you wanted to respect her wishes.

The boys and Christina have been by your side the entire week, especially Daniel. They have been making sure you've been eating and sleeping good. You definitely feel a lot better staying at Daniel's house.

Your brother arrives at your house today with his family. He and his wife got off work for a while so they could be home at these times.

You decided you would return home today to be with the rest of your family. The thing is, you really didn't wanna go home yet but you felt like you had to for your brother and his family. They could use comfort at a time like this too.


Daniel walks into the room with tray. On the tray is orange juice, waffles and syrup. You give Daniel a small smile when you see the breakfast he brought you.

"I'm so sad you're leaving today, I love having you here y/n." Daniel says with a frown.

He puts a small pillow on your lap and sets the tray on top, then he climbs on the bed and sits next to you. He rests his arm around your shoulder.

"I really want to stay but I have to be with my brother and his family."

You kiss Daniel's forehead.

"I'm gonna drive you over and i'll stay as long as you'll let me." He smiles.

"I don't want you to waste all your time taking care of me." You tell him.

"It's not a waste of time at all. I love being with you, and you need support right now."

He pets your hair.

"Thank you for the hundredth time." You grin.

"Your welcome for the hundredth time." Daniel laughs.

Daniel helps you get your things ready to go. He takes your bags downstairs and into the kitchen where everyone else is.

"Good morning y/n!" Zach says with a smile.

All the boys come over to give you a group hug like they have done every morning this week.

"I love you guys." You say into Corbyn's chest.

They all let you go and look at you.

"Are you crying?" Jonah asks.

"I'm just so happy to have friends like you." You laugh and wipe the few tears from your cheek.

"You want another waffle?" Jack asks.

"No thanks, Daniel brought me like six."

"More for us." He replies.

Jack puts another waffle on his plate and sits at the counter.

"Well i'm gonna take y/n home. See you guys later." Daniel says.

"We gotta say goodbye first!" Zach yells.

You laugh and give all the guys another hug. First you hug Zach, then Jonah, then Corbyn, and lastly Jack.

"Hang in there." Jack says quietly as he rubs your back.

You smile and thank Jack, then you grab your toiletry bag and head out the door with Daniel.

"Excited to see your brother?" Daniel asks trying to cheer you up.

"Yea, and my nephews, but I hope they're not really sad. It makes me so upset to think that they don't understand what's going on."

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