Chapter Six: Found

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I looked at all the boys in wonder as I recognize them all. They're the boys from my dream, I'm sure, but at the same time, I have four different names for all of them. Tim, Atlas, Harry, or Ashton. Kendall, Caroline, Niall or Luke. Andrew, Cher, Zayn or Michael. Shaun, Elena, Liam, or Calum. But I can't decide which name because I stare at their backs in wonder as they walk away. I think of the last boy in the group of five, the group who always abuse me and all walk in One Direction instead of splitting up like you would usually see. The blue eyed, boy. My mom Rosie, or Louis.

I ditch school at midday like I usually do and wonder about the nine when I walk home. The boys that all walk in just One Direction. That's what I'll call them. I can't keep saying 'the 5'. Speaking of five, the four boys remind me of my short dream in the beginning of the Summer, which made my "Summer" last about five seconds before it became a prison. The boys helped me. They turned my humid prison into about 5 Seconds of Summer.

I went and hid on my bed and did what I think was supposed to be my homework. I ate and did everything I had too before I fell asleep and Derek came stumbling through the door. I hid under my stained pillow and I head his ring filled hand scrape the pillow and then him collapse on his bed. I had just avoided Derek's rings, and I didn't have to clean up the stain the morning. I quickly gut up from under my pillow and saw the he had cut it all the way through the cotton.

I had a new spill to clean up. And I was left without a pillow. Dang it. I was just happy that I had been able to avoid Sebastian's rings, and I happily fell asleep on my backpack. I dreamed about my 5 Seconds of Summer and that all their faces faded into One Direction, then my mom showed up in Louis, and everyone turned into the girls I went to the beach with, and then the boys I went to the beach with, and suddenly everything that happened between me, Kendall, Tim, Shaun, and Andrew became vivid and clear. Then I woke up, alone and screaming.

I got ready for school because I had nothing else to do, and I walked out the door and to school. I saw the happy speeding boys and girls on their way to school. That was me, once I thought. Me on the way to the beach. I shook the memory away from my head and let walking until I reached the school, my locker, my first class. By now, I only took the books from my first and maybe my second class. I knew I would never reach period 3 without going home. I never have. Not in local Sydney High, at least.

I walked out of my first period and just walked to the hall with the blood stains on the lockers. Last time I tried to run away from Harry, he hunt me down and I got even more kicked and hurt. That hall is abandoned, saved for the rich kids. Apparently the only rich finds in the school are One Direction. And apparently they like the color red. I walked down the large hall and placed the book in my locker. Then I walked to the place where they like to beat me up. I squeezed my eyes closed and waited patiently, and they came.

They smirked, happy of our unplanned charade. It was Liam's turn to beat the shit out of me. It was his punch that was going to knock me out today, but as soon as he pulled his hand back, Niall disappeared, and Liam looked confused. When they turned around, Louis disappeared, then Harry and Zayn. Liam was beyond confused, and he looked around while I crouched into the corner. Just then, I saw 4 boys knocking them all out and shoving them in the tall lockers. They did the same to Liam, and I was spared a day.

I stood there in wonder at what had just happened in front of me. Four boys had just beat up my 5 worst enemies and the five biggest bullies in school and had just shoved them in lockers. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was dreaming again, I had to be. I had to be. But at the same time, I hoped what I just saw was not a dream, and that the minute, the second I release my hands from my eyes, I will be able to say 'One Direction is gone. One Direction is gone' and that I wouldn't be lying. So, I slowly uncovered my eyes.

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