Chapter Two: Sydney, Australia. Perfect.

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When the plane finally landed, I helped bring out our bags into the taxi this time. My dad gave him the new address of our house and the driver responded in a funny accent. We were in the car for an hour, then we paid the man and he looked at the American dollars funny, but did say anything as he drove away. The house looked like it would fall apart if someone blew on it from the wrong angle. It was just a box with a pointy top, but the siding was a peeling white concrete, and the wood on the stairs wasn't safe to walk on. The door wasn't completely in tact and it should be either freezing, or sweltering in there.

I walked up to the stairs and placed one foot on them, causing them to collapse, and thankfully revealing concrete stairs underneath. I walked to the side of the house and turned on the hose to the sharpest setting. All the peeling paint just washed away, revealing the stifle concrete box. Everything was concrete. The windows were glass walls that covered the holes. I walked up the sturdy stairs and pretended to be a Kung FU warrior. I did I weird side-spin kick and knocked down the door. I heard my dad giggle from the car. I bent down and picked up the crumbling door and launched it out the empty door frame.

I walked in and it was just one big box of a room and a little boxed gape in the corner where the trash chute would go. 2 doors, no divisions, and just a giant concrete room. Countless rats started to run past me and I leaned against the wall trying to keep out of their way. Cockroaches followed. Upside: Since it was a box, I could visibly see there were no more animals living in my house. At least there was a light switch. And a light ( that exploded a soon as I flicked it on. ) I went back to the front of the yard, and my parents were still struggling with their bags. I wasn't helping them. I just grabbed the broom and ran back inside.

I swept the walls, the low ceiling, and the floor in two minutes, and put it all in the weird corner and out the hole to the dumpster below. Then I ran back outside. I helped my parents with the bags into the house and they thanked me for my immediate house work. Behind the 2 doors was a bathroom complete with sink, toilet, and tub. Behind the other door was the kitchen with a stove, oven, dishwasher, fridge, freezer, and broken table. I shoved the table out, too and took out my laptop from my bag. I immediately went on Amazon and ordered everything we needed. Sofa, chairs, tables, beds, mattresses, nightstands, racks, hangers, dressers, and curtains.

I ordered it as a prior client, and everything would come in an hour. What I ordered was all in Sydney, anyway. In the meanwhile, my 32 year old parents could sit on the floor while I went to the store to buy the essentials, which took me about half an hour to buy, and another half hour to use. I mopped, cleaned, rinsed, polished and painted until the house smelled good, looked good, and I didn't mind living in it. The beds, dressers, sofa, door, and etcetera came and my parents built and set those up while I laid on the new sofa. That took more time.

In about 5 hours, the house was ready to live in, and we had eaten, stocked the fridge, filled that bathrooms, made the beds, created a living room, bought a TV, unpacked, and had done everything in record time. Now all we needed to to was to sleep, wake up, and for my parents to do all the residence and the permits and the car and its insurance and all that fun stuff plus put me in a school and for both them and I to find jobs.. Whoop-te-do.

Waking up would've been petrifying, but my parents were nice and left me home to do all the grown up stuff themselves and they had left me a note on the fridge that I could do absolutely whatever I wanted today, except do anything illegal or get wasted or high and stuff like that. In my case, it just means do whatever Cuz I'm not like that other stuff. I don't like getting in trouble. I decided to try out the shower ( just cold water came out of that old thing ) and I threw on some skinny jeans and a blue tank top with matching Converse to go for a walk and hopefully make friends.

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