Chapter Four: Hospital Nights

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I'm 1 week in. My cuts are for the most part healed, leaving scars. I was sleeping at night and most of the day, I spent with the four boys. They all took turns with me, Mikey having the first three days of week one, Calum having the second half, and I have Saturday to myself. But today, and the next two days, are just me and Luke, and I don't know how it's gonna go with him. I slightly stirred in my sleep, and when I awoke, Luke was in a chair at the other side of the room, looking a me impatiently, and smiling when I finally opened my eyes. He hasn't seen me in a week. He hasn't been allowed to.

I smiled at Luke, and he ran to the edge of my bed, stopping himself when he got dangerously close to my face. Then he let out a shaky breath and smiled, revealing minty fresh breath. Then he scoot back, never losing his dimpled smile. "Hey," I giggled. He just kept smiling. "You're awake. And you're not dead. I-, I-, Caroline," he breathed out, and embraced me in a bear hug. The hug lasted a good full minute, but then he pulled back and pulled up a chair next to the hospital bed.

"Any topics?" he asked me. "Well, there was this one in particular." I said. "Which one would that be?" he asked, excitedly. "My life story." Luke nodded and smirked a little then he laid his chin in his hands and set his elbows on the railing of the bed. "Ready," he said, and I giggled. Well, here goes nothing. I decided to start from general topics, parents, jobs, whatever. Then, I got into the details. Meeting Kendall, Tim, Shaun, and Andrew.

"Well, from the beginning. Okay. Well, I grew up in New York City with my mom, Rosie, and my dad, Derek. I was an only child. Caroline, but my dad called me Claire, for short. Life just went on like life does, and I met Timothy Healy when I was in Jr. High. My sixth year. Tim was just amazing. Blondish-reddish hair, hazel eyes, super cute, and super nerdy at times, but he always made me feel good about myself. We were together for just a year. I met Kendall and Atlas in 7th grade. Things happened, and me and Tim broke up, and Kendall was overjoyed. He was clearly crushing on me.

"Tim, however, was devastated. He was broken, and Atlas fixed him. They broke up because of me, last time I checked. I met Elena and Cher and Shaun in 8th. We were like a clique, just really good friends, except for Atlas and Tim. They were together. In freshman, Cher met Andrew and they always liked each other. At a beach trip, things happened and the boys got revenge. Andrew kissed Cher, Tim kissed Atlas, Shaun kissed Elena, and, you can kind of guess that Kendall kissed me. I shoved him, rejecting him, and I ran to the car and fell asleep.

"When I woke up, the girls threw the news on me that Kendall had drowned himself after I rejected him. My parents didn't want to lose their reputation of being bizarre and awesome, so we moved here after the funeral. I saw Ashton, and he reminded me so much of Tim. Same hazel eyes, same colored hair. And you, Luke, you just could be Kendall's twin brother, and I just had to stare. Michael was the other colored hair guy, and Calum with the skin color and the hair and eyes.. You could imagine my curiosity, but as I figured out, no relation.

"Seeing you guys was like seeing them one more time. I had to hold on to that. I missed it, only though it hasn't been that long. I didn't like Kendall that way, Luke, And I was told you liked me that way. Whether you do or not, that's what you know, and what I shouldn't find out, but I want you to know, Luke, you are my brother. Now and forever. And I love you,Luke. Your like the brother I never had. Cheeky and cute and socially akward, I love you Lukey, and don't you ever leave me."

He didn't her the last couple parts right, I guess, because he plunged his lips into mine. Knowing this is exactly what had killed Kendall, I just sat there, not kissing back, but not rejecting either. But certainly not opening my mouth when his tongue literally got on its knees and begged. Luke eventually gave up on being French and pulled away, knowing what he did had been wrong, and that he was just being like Kendall. "I know you don't want me like that," he said, "I just needed to try. Just once. I just. I just can't do this. This is-. This is a lot,"

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