Chapter 9

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Alfred sighed as Matthew was sleeping peacefully now after hours of screaming. Kiku had came into the room to make sure that the two was okay and if there was any change in Matthew. Alfred was now sitting in a chair next to his brothers bed, a cloth in hand as he wiped his brothers sweat away.

"Why... why did you have to go through this Matt.." Alfred whispered to himself .

Matthew groaned as he nuzzled his pillow before a soft gentle snore could be heard, Alfred smiled at the innocent motion from his brother. The door opens and Kiku walks in with a tray of food and some tea for the blond.

Kiku placed the tray on a small table and sighed as he studied Alfred for a moment and saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Alfred... Matthew will be okay." Kiku said.

"I know, but Matt doesn't deserve to go through this pain Kiku." Alfred said, leaning back in his chair with a sigh.

Kiku nodded and handed the cup of tea over to Alfred, who smiled as he took it. Slowly sipped his tea as he watched Matthew shift in his sleep, whimpering once before sighing once he settled again.

A few hours later Matthew woke up feeling pins and needles pricking at his whole body. He carefully moved his head to look around his room to see that it was empty. Matthew groaned as he sat up only to scream in pain that shot through his stomach and upper and lower back. Falling back on to his bed, which caused even more pain, and curled into a ball on his side and wept in pain.

"MATT!!!" Alfred shouted, as he dropped a bowl that spilt water and a cloth onto the floor and dashed to his brother side.

"Al... I-it hurts!" Matthew chocked out.

Alfred picked up Matthew and sat him on his lap, rocking him slowly and rubbing circles on his back. Matthew hissed and whimpered at the sudden contact with his brother and cried, blood was mixed with is tears. Everything hurt and Matthew felt like he was being burned, stabbed, cut open and having his insides being torn out very slowly and painfully.

"M-make it.... St-stop.... Al.... P-please!!" Matthew begged.

All Alfred could do was hush his brother and whisper soothing words into his hair. Silently hoping that the transformation would be over soon. Kiku came in and saw this and noticed the bowl on the floor and started to clean up and left to grab a new bowl of water.

Toris watched the scene play out, Matthew would fall asleep and Alfred and Kiku would watch over him, Kiku would leave to get the blond some food, Alfred would lay his brother back down on his bed and lay next to him for two hours before leaving. Toris made a time schedule from what he had seen so far. 

The brunette climbed out of the tree with difficulty before carefully planning a way to get into the home and a way out. He walk around the home and looked for weak points in the home, while keeping in mind that there are Vampires in the home as well.

Toris sighed and looked at the trees around the house and how far they were from the home. He written everything down and started planning on how to get his target to his masters home. Toris just sighed and walked over to his small black car and opened the trunk, looking over the supplies that his Master has given him for this job.

A bottle of chloroform and a rag, rope, zip ties, a sock and duck tape, and a burlap sack. Toris inwardly sighed as he gathered everything up in a Vampire scent proof leather bag and closed the trunk and rushed to his hiding spot and watched from afar.

A week passed and Matthew had showed no signs of the transformation coming to an end. Alfred had spent most of his time next to his brother, soothing him when he  woke up in pain, taking some naps in between next to Matthew before Kiku had to help him into his own room around 2 or 3 in the morning.

Matthew woke up in fright and sat in bed gasping for air. His violet eyes scanned the room before a sigh passed his pale lips as he tried to calm down his calm speeding heart. When he was finally calm down enough, Matthew raised a hand to his forehead and started to rub gentle circles.

His whole body was still sore and his headache was still there but it wasn't as in tense as it was when the transformation started. Matthew slowly got out of his bed and slowly walked to the bathroom, turning on the light wincing a bit at the sudden brightness. The blond grabbed a glass and filled it with water and took a few sips before glancing in the mirror.

Matthew froze and slowly placed the glass onto the counter and leaned closer to the mirror and studied his eyes.... more pacifically his right eye. It was a lighter shade of violet, almost blue, Matthew rushed out of the bathroom and ran into his room grabbing his phone and looked up Bluebloods finished transformations and started to tremble as he waited for his phone to finish loading.

"Come on... Come on load already..." Matthew mumbled softly.

Matthew bit his lip nervously as he waited, the blond silently wondered if the WiFi was slow that night. The blond was focused on his phone not really noticing that his window was slowly being opened and that someone slipped in through the window.

Toris crept up behind the blond with the rag that had chloroform soaked into the cloth. He soon found himself behind his target and with a swift motion, Toris placed the cloth over Matthew's noise and mouth and held his arms to the others males sides as he struggled.

"MMMM!!!" Matthews scream was muffled behind the cloth.

Panic filled his body and he tried to break free from his kidnappers hold, but the scent from the rag made Matthew feel dizzy, tired and feeling slow. Matthews fingers went limp dropping his phone onto the floor, then is his whole body started going numb and fell limp in the others arms.

Matthew felt his body was laid back on his bed and watched as the other male pulled out some ropes and zip ties. Matthews world went black soon after a few more breaths. Toris sighed when he saw the other pass out and quickly put the blonds wrists together and used the zip ties together. He also did the same with the blonds ankles, he removed the cloth that covered Matthews nose and mouth and placed a sock into the unconscious males mouth before using  duck tape to keep the sock in place.

With a few more adjustments Toris then picked up Matthew and carried him to the window where a rope swayed in the wind. Toris grabbed the rope and slipped the loop over the other male and under his arms and carefully lowered Matthew to the ground. He then climbed out of the window himself and landed onto the ground, tugging on the rope before it fell wincing at a few snapped twigs before grabbing the rest of the rope and Matthew, dashing to his car as fast as he can.

Placing Matthew in the back seat covered with a blanket and with a sack over his head, Toris hoped into the drivers seat and started his car before driving away from the blonds home and vanished into the night.


Hello everyone,

So sorry for the wait, I have been busy and I couldn't figure out how to start this chapter.

Also thanks to @Melady1606 for reminding me to finish writing this chapter, even if it did take me a bit. I hope that you all enjoyed it and please comment and let me know if you all like it so far :)

Well see ya my little chibi readers!!

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