Chapter 3

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When Matthew woke up, his heart nearly stopped. It was night and he can only guess it started to get dark by the way it was still light outside and how some birds were still out.


He then paused and listen closely not sure if he heard right. At this point he was thanking the skies for letting him have vampire hearing from his father.

He stayed deathly silent.

Bum-thum bum-thum bum-thum

He stood up from the tree pretending that he couldn't hearing anything, for if he showed signs that he could hear it, who knew what that person was capable of.

He then turned and walked down the path that he took, all too familiar for him.


He paused.

He knew those giggles anywhere.

Oh screw you Alfred.

He sighed irritated that of course his brother would be crazy enough to follow him and try to scar him, even though he knew it was pointless.

He just never gives up does he?

"I know you're out there Al, come out!"



More giggles.

"Okay. Fine be that way. I was planning on giving you the candies that you lost, but I see th-"

A rustling of bushes were heard as he heard saw his brother grumbled and saying curses for loving candies.

He'll do anything for his sweets won't he?

He thought evilly as he saw his brother emerge from the bushes.

"Dang, I thought I had you this time."

Matthew crossed his arms.

"Well you have to do better than that apparently. Although I got to admit you almost got me there.... If it wasn't for your giggling." he said a matter of fact.

"Ha! I almost did!" he said proudly as he fist bump himself.

Matthew rolled his eyes.

"Okay, yeah come on it's getting dark already"

Alfred, still giggling, followed him back the trail as Kiku waited patiently inside Alfred's truck.

They both got into their vehicles and drove off, back to their home.

The next few days Matthew had notices that he would be tired most of the time and decided to sleep early just to get enough sleep, but no matter how much he slept he still felt his body needing more sleep than usual.

Of course this didn't go unnoticed by Alfred and Kiku, they also noticed how Matthew would fall asleep as soon as he lay down on a sofa or on his bed and would take a lot more effort just to wake him up. They asked if he was okay, but he would just muttered tiredly 'Just tired'.

Alfred being the vampire that he is, decided to take Matthew out.

"Just for a while Mattie! Come on, my treat!"

"I don't know Al, won't it make me more tired?"


"Oh..." he said as he was just thinking about it.

"Huh. You know, it never did come to mind."

"Well I did try to tell you, but you were to busy planning the whole trip to listen." said Kiku with a menacing look towards Alfred.

Alfred yelped and hid behind Matthew, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"He-he sorry Kiku" he said while scratching the back of his head.

Kiku huffed.

"Well anyways, I don't think it's a good idea Al, I mean instead of making me stay awake this will make me even more tired?"

"I know, but hey at least you'll be spending a day with your favorite and only big brother!"

Matthew rolls his eyes playfully.

"Okay fine, I've been inside longer than I like."

"Great! Kiku when do you think we can go?"

"Well since you are done most of the paperwork, I'll say maybe by tomorrow if you finish the remaining 20 sheets" Kiku said while holding and flipping through a clip board which mysteriously appeared out of nowhere.

"Okay, how long will that take? About an hour?"

"Yes, if you don't include breaks"

"Okay, I'll start right now since it's seven pm. So it should be done around eight pm or so. Okay, let's do this!" He said cracking his knuckles and going to his office, Kiku followed behind the determined Vampire. Bowing his head to Matthew on his way out.

Tomorrow will be interesting.

He thought as he climbed up the flight of stairs to his room, not realizing, still, a certain someone had heard their conversation, was watching him from afar.

Sweet as Maple Syrup (Remake with Author's permission)[On hold]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant