Chapter 8

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A Blueblood?!

Matthew looked at his brother with shock and glanced at Kiku, who was looking at the nervous looking blond. Matthew leaned back in his seat and tried to take in the information that he had received while millions of thought filled his head at the same time.

Alfred and Kiku both looked at Matthew with worry  as they watched him stare across from them lost in his thoughts. Alfred carefully stood up and walked over to his brother.

"Matt?" Alfred carefully asked.

Matthew snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his brother and glared, that wasn't very harsh do to him wanting to sleep, and growled in anger.

"Alfred how could you keep this from me! I thought that you cared enough about me to at least let me know if there is something wrong with me!! But you didn't!" Matthew snapped.

Alfred flinched at the harshness of the other males voice, Kiku sat there quietly not wanting to have the blonds wrath upon him. Matthew stood up causing his chair to fall over and slammed his hands on the table trembling with anger.

Matthew hated not being told thing of very high importance and him being turned into a Blueblood is very important to know. Matthew could feel his fangs wanting to come out but he held back a bit and looked at his brother and snarled.

"I trusted you to tell me things like this! I trusted you to come to me when something happens!!! I trusted you Alfred!!"

"Matt I did this to keep you safe, who knows what would happen if somebody finds out about you being a Blueblood! I can't lose you, your my bro.... Please Matt understand that I am trying to keep you safe!" Alfred begged, grabbing the blonds hands and held them to his chest.

Matthew looked at the ground and thought for a moment on Alfred's words before looking at him again.

"I need some time to myself.... don't bother me please." Matthew said before pulling away and walked up the stairs to his room.

Alfred sunk to the floor and wrapped his arms around himself and trembled, Kiku got up and walked over to Alfred and patted his shoulder in a silent way of saying 'you did your best'. They stayed in the Kitchen for a few minutes before Alfred was lead out of the room by the Japanese man.

Matthew fell clumsily on the bed and  curled up on to his sighed and closed his eyes and was fast asleep. His dreams were filled with his thoughts on the talk with his brother. Matthew was tossing and turning for a good four hours before snapping awake of someone chasing him through the trees of a unknown forest.

"Man... what the heck?" Matthew muttered to himself.

He got out of bed and stretched as he stood up, several satisfying sounds of bones popping and cracking could be heard, and let a sigh pass his lips. Matthew made his way over to the bathroom to answer natures call, when he finishes he turned on the water and started to wash his hands when a sharp pain started.

Matthew's head began to throb causing him to clutch his head and hiss in pain. Matthew stumbled out of the bathroom and fell down to his knees in pain. There was a sound of footsteps rushing towards him, but Matthew didn't really care at the moment too worried about his killer headache.

"Matt! Matt are you alright?!" Alfred asked worry clearly in his voice.

"Head... My freaking head hurts!!" Matthew cried closing his eyes as he whimpered in pain.

"Kiku! What do we do!!" Alfred asked, slowly panicking.

Kiku thought for a moment and whipped out his phone and started looking things up on Bluebloods symptoms before looking at Alfred and Matthew, who was being held by his brother, and sighed.

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