C҉h҉a҉p҉t҉e҉r҉ 1҉

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I woke up very early, I looked at the alarm clock beside me which read 3:27 a.m. I sat up and immediately felt dizzy and got a headache. I laid back down but it didn't help at all so I got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom across the room in my dizzy state.

I locked the bathroom door and sat on the edge of the bath. I put my head in my hands as my headache got worse. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, I suddenly realised how pale and ill I looked. I quickly sat back down on the edge of the bath because I thought I was going to pass out.

I suddenly heard a slight knock on the bathroom door followed by a whisper from my roommate Jimin "Jungkook are you in there?" I responded saying "Yes I'm in here" He tried to turn the door handle but got rejected by the lock.

"Are you done it there so I can use the bathroom?" He said still whispering so he didn't wake the other members up. "Yeah, I'll just come out now" I said. I quickly splashed water on my face and unlocked the door. I suddenly got nauseous and thought I was going to throw up all over Jimin.

I moved to the side and let him into the bathroom but he suddenly stopped me. "Jungkook, are you ok?" He said worriedly "Yea, I'm f-fine" My voice cracked as I said that. "You don't look too good" he said and helped me to my bed.

He sat me down gently and said he was going to go and wake Jin up. "No" I shouted forgetting that the others were still asleep. Jimin looked at me still looking worried but stayed quiet without moving.

Suddenly Jin came running in asking what the shouting was about. Jimin said to him in a shakey voice "I was going to the bathroom and saw that Jungkook was not in his bed so I guessed he was probably in the bathroom, so I knocked on the door asking if he was there and he said yes so I waited for him but when he opened the door he looked quite ill and stumbled when he walked so I helped him over to his bed and sat him down and told him I was getting you but he shouted at me"

Once Jimin was done telling Jin, they both looked down at me on the bed with concern in their eyes. He told Jimin to go and get the thermometer. Jimin rushed out of the room and came back with a thermometer in one hand and a glass of water in the other.

He gave Jin the thermometer and sat the glass of water on the table next to my bed. Jin put the thermometer into my mouth and waited for it to beep. When it finally beeped he took it out of my mouth and looked down at it "Your temperature is up slightly but it's not that bad" he said, placing the thermometer down. He then picked up the glass of water and told me to drink it.

I took the water from Jin and started to drink it slowly. As I drank the water, my stomach was starting to make me feel uneasy and I thought I was about to throw up because of it.
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed part 1 of 'Jungkook's Sick'

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