"...Turquoise is enjoying this," she said in her deep voice, reaching to hold the baby's hand.

"She really is," I replied.

Turquoise happily wrapped her hand around Peridot's finger when she was close enough and looked up at me for approval. I nodded in response, which made her start reaching for Peridot. Peridot took her carefully, making sure not to drop her.

"You like the rain?" She asked.

Turquoise cuddled up to her, closing her eyes happily.

"She likes it," Peridot said.

"I can tell," I responded.

I looked at the ocean, which was roughly crashing against the beach. The wind from the storm had made the waves bigger. They weren't anywhere near our house since Peridot had been smart with its location, but it still worried me. I didn't want Turquoise to get caught in the waves and swept away. The thought scared me. I couldn't lose her.

"Are you alright?" Peridot asked.

"I'm just worried," I answered. "...what if...when Turquoise gets older...she gets caught in the waves when it's raining? Sh-she would drown! We could lose her!"

"Calm down," Peridot replied. "Werewolves can hold their breath longer than humans can. Not terribly much longer, but we can still do it. I'm sure it would be enough time for one of us to come outside and save her."

"...how are you not worried?" I asked.

"I worry all the time," Peridot answered. "And now I have two people to worry about. I just don't want to make you feel worried too."

I looked up at the rain, which was beginning to fall harder than before. I sighed, looking back at Peridot once again.

"You promise we'll be able to keep her safe?" I asked.

"I'm not going to let her out of my safety," Peridot answered. "I wouldn't let myself stay if I ever did."

"Don't say things like that," I hissed. "You scare me when you do. You make me think you're going to kill yourself."

Peridot became silent as she looked into my eyes. I looked into hers, trying my best to maintain my glare.

"...if you don't want me to, I won't," she said.

"Listen to me." I stepped toward her. "Don't you ever, ever do that. You are a life not worth losing."

Peridot leaned in, and I followed. Her forehead was nearly touching mine, and our lips were only inches apart. Then came a loud clap of thunder. Immediately, Turquoise screamed.

"We need to get inside!" Peridot exclaimed.

"Right," I responded.

As fast as we could—Peridot, not quite—the three of us went inside. We went straight to the bathroom, where Peridot turned on the bathtub faucet, and I undressed Turquoise. I placed her in the tub when it was full enough, and I began to wash her. Peridot knelt down next to me, watching Turquoise's reaction to the water.

"You need to get in here too," I said. "You smell like wet dog."

"Mean," Peridot replied.

"No, really," I said, smirking a little. "You actually smell like a wet dog."

I pulled Turquoise out of the tub and began to dry her off. Peridot was watching me curiously the whole time. Eventually, Turquoise was dry, and I helped her get dressed again.

"Nap time," I cooed.

As I walked, Turquoise fell asleep in my arms. I carefully placed her in her crib and kissed her head one last time before leaving the room. When I walked back to the bathroom, Peridot was there waiting for me.

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