Chapter 21

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We finally arrived home. We walked into the living room and then I decided to ask him.
"Is everything ok. You seem kinda distant after your phone call." I said
"I have to leave in 30 minutes to the airport for a shoot in California." He answered
I looked at him for a while.
"Ok. Do you need help packing. I'll drive you to the airport."
"We need to talk about us."
"Ok well I'll let you know what I've gathered from this week and what I wanna do."
I took a moment to think and replied
" I don't want to be with you.
I think we should end it right here like we should have done the last time. I can tell you've changed slightly over the years but I don't wanna have a long distance relationship with you again. Just because we've lasted  a couple of days doesn't mean it would be great between us. We would fall right back into the same are we went through and I don't wanna do that with you.
I've come to realize that though we've kept in touch you aren't the person I would rely on or trust to be there for me.  You wouldn't drop whatever it is if I needed you. I already have that person in my life. Someone who I can count on for anything and I've been blind to see how much I love him and how much he means to me. I'm sorry but during this week I've come to realize that you were nothing more than a fling and that I should look at what I have in front of me and not the past. We could never truly be. "
"Wow that kinda hurts, but ok. I'm going to go and pack my stuff."
"I'll be in the car"
I got into the car and texted Jason.
Me: Hey J
I waited for his reply.
Jason: Hey beautiful
Me:whatcha doing right now.
Jason: nothing
Me:I'll be over in n hour. I have something important I need to say to you.
Jason:ok but can't you just text it.
Me:I could but it would mean more if I say it in person.
Jason: ok. wyd
Me: about to drop Lucas off at the airport
Jason: I thought he was supposed to be here longer
Me: yep. But things changed and were finally over. This relationship helped me realize something big.

As I sent the text Lucas came into the car.
"Would you mind taking the car back for me please" He asked
"Sure" I replied

It was a quick drive to the airport.
"I guess I'll text you" He said getting out if the car.
"Mmm ok. Bye"
I dove to Jason's house as quick as I could and arrived in forty five minutes.
I knocked on the door, praying in my heart that he would answer. It felt like forever until he actually opened the door. I smiled at him and asked him if I could go in. He told me that I could we both walked to the living room.
" I have something that I need to confess. I know it may be late but it is something that I need to say now. I love you, I have since I met you with my judgement, and my heart was clouded by my past by someone who I wanted to be with, but wasn't the right person for me. I didn't know what I had until now. Now that I do, I hope, that you could give me a chance to love and support you and all that I can do and give me a chance to go out on a date with you. So will you go out date with me?"
He looked at me with loving eyes, walked slowly to me and, kissed me with loving eyes.
After we broke apart he replied, "Of course I will go out with you. Finally."

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