Chapter 13

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We sat in the car and listened to music,  singing along to the ones we could.
*35 minutes later*
"We're here" He said enthusiastically.
I looked up and saw we were at Char's Tracy Mansion.
"Great" I said as I got out of the car.
"How come you didn't let me open the door for you?" He questioned.
"Sorry" I said.
We joined hands and went into the restaurant. We go a Table for two.
Our service was quick and in no time we were ordering food and drinks.
"So beautiful how was your day?" Questioned Lucas
"Mine was great. I finally finished a project for work."" How was yours?"
"Great,  got better when I saw you though. "
"Your sweet. So our first date huh. "
"I know. In a way I'm nervous, but comfortable. "
We continued talking and in the end we had a great date.
We left the restaurant happy, and a little heated.
As we got in the car, I told him a secret.
"Guess what?" I asked
"What" He said
I got closer in his ear and wispered
"I'm not wearing any underwear" I said
"Your lying" He said unsure if I was telling the truth.
I got up and lifted my skirt.
"Your so lucky your a virgin,  or I'd have you right here. "
I smiled devishly as we began heading home.
"Give me your hand" I demanded.
"I'm not sure I want to. I don't think we'll make it back  safely if I do"
He gave me his hand.
"How good are you at multitasking? " I asked
"Great, why?"
I took his hand and placed it underneath my skirt.
"Dammit" He hissed as he began to finger me.
I moaned in his ear and places my hand over his pants.
He was hard. I unzipped his pants, gave him a kiss on his dick, then put him back in and decided to wait till we got home.
"Your killing me. " He said
"We're only a minute out. Doesn't make sense to guve you a bj huh"
We arrived at my house shortly after.
"Wait in the living room. I'll call you when you can come up. "
I waited for seven minutes before I heard
"Tori you can come up now"
I walked slowly upstairs an into my room. There were rose petals trailing to the bed and it shaped in a heard on the bed. There were small plastic candles on the sides of the bed. I smiled widely as a teardrop escape my eye.
He walked to me and brought me along the trail before the bed.
"I figured our first time should be romantic."
"It's beautiful"
He kissed me passionately an slowly.

Yay. I'm glad she finally got laid.
Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Leave  comments.

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