The texts

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Victoria's pov

Victoria: Who cares about life anymore

Lucas: Us
Victoria: Us who
Lucas: Nvm
Victoria: No say

Lucas: U and me u know u care about your life.

Victoria: Nah. Life is full of it you know
Lucas: Ik
Victoria: Maybe I should just do what u do
Lucas: That is
Victoria: Cut myself

Lucas: Don't do it

You'll regret it
Victoria: I know where my veins r so I can do so much better. I won't regret it.
Lucas: Ik where mine r too
Victoria: Well good 4 you
Lucas: Y r u acting like this

Victoria: Like what
Lucas: Like you don't care about your life or anything.

Your not acting like you.
Victoria: Maybe this is the real me.

Maybe I'm just f***ed up inside.
Lucas: And thts gonna stay in there and fuck with your emotions and body.

U don't want tht
Victoria: Who cares what I want anymore
Lucas: Me
Victoria: Y do u freaking care? U have absolutely no reason to.

Lucas: I still love u and I'm not about to let u become wat I use to be.
Victoria: Well I'm glad u got over your problems
Lucas: I'm not over my problems not even close to over


Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed. I know it's not the best but continue reading for more.

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