Chapter 9

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Still about justice league and batboys


Bruce's POV:

When I went to the hospital I found Jason holding Damian who was knocked out. I didn't know if it was more surprising to think Jason was holding Damian or the fact that Dick and Tim were suspended Batman was surprised.

Jason's POV:

I was at the manor alone since I sorta skipped school and despite Bruce, I think 14 should be old enough to stay home alone. but Bruce being overprotective not even Dick could stay home without Alfred but when he was home you couldn't skip I was on the couch playing video games when the phone rang. After the second time it rang, I decided to go pick it up it was a lady who asked if Bruce or Alfred was home I gave her a no then she told me if I could go check on Damian Wayne he apparently has a concussion and was in the hospital. My big brother mode activates and I take my motorcycle yes were allowed to ride them but still not allowed to be home alone. Once I arrived there I asked for the demon there I found out he was in room 1045A they also told me I could take him home. When I found his room and went in he was unconscious on the bed. I picked him up and when I walked out and saw Bruce he looked worried, mad, and when he saw me he was surprised. I am amazing I surprised Bruce. 

Bruce's POV:

After I got out of shock I got Jason and Damian in the car. Damian was laying there asleep with his head on Jason's legs Jason didn't mind. From there we made our way to Gotham Academy the school all my annoying but wonderful kids go to. When we got there Dick and Tim came with there heads down Dick sat in front next to me and Tim sat next to Damian after he woke him up Damian just sat up and held his head I could tell he had a headache. After Tim got a glare from me they both started explaining what happened.

Tim's POV:

I was in the office because me and Dick were suspended. Bruce was late I didn't really know why but when he got there I found Jason and Damian I woke Damian he didn't say a word as he sat up and held his head I got a glare from Bruce but I didn't understand till Damian looked like he was in pain I sorta regretted it but nothing I could do. Until Bruce made us talk it all started with me and Dick in the high school area when I saw my girlfriend kiss a guy I knew she was an only child so she was cheating on me Dick must have known because he went with me and as I kicked my ex he punched the boy pretty hard until teachers stopped us and that's all I told him but then he announced we're going to the Hall of justice.


These chapters are long because I think I'm writer's high

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