"Older brothers are the worst"

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Tobirama moaned slightly into the kiss Madara has pressed him into,  pinning him against the table.  Tobirama put his arms arround Madara's neck,  bringing him closer and opened his mouth for Maara who answered immediately.

The moment would be perfect if not for...


Tobirama pouted as his brother chased him away,  screaming bloody nurder about him beeing his younger brother while Madara just tries not to get impaled on a living beam of wood. 

The Albino groaned,  his brother is such a cock-block. 


Tobirama purred from where he lays in Madara's lap,  who's back is against a tree,  the two just enjoying their day off from work.  The sun was warm and high up in the sky and Madara's chest was rising and falling slowly.

Once again the moment would be perfect if not for Hashirama glaring at Madara from the other side of the park. 


Madara scowled at his current situation,  stuck inside his boyfriend's closet like in some bad Romantic comedy.  Seriously?  He tried the best he can to conceal his chakra signature and stay quiet,  Hashirama had once again invaded Tobirama's house to 'investigate' if Madara isn't 'lurking' arround. 

"Get out Anija!"

Was the thing he heard and there was a sound of Hashirama's pained yelp and sliding of the house's front doors and Tobirama opened the closet looking apologetic.  Madara only huffed in amusement and scowled playfully.

"Hope you aren't planning on hiding me under the bed next time."

His answer was a light chuckle and six feet of pale muscle arround his neck. 

Worth it.



Madara grinned at the answer and laughed happily as his would-be-husband(wife hehehe)  threw himself arround his neck,  kissing him happily.  The two settled down and just embaraced eachother.  A new beautiful silver ring with a ruby was now sitting on Tobirama's finger. 

He could swear he heard Hashirama crying.

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