"Fishing, Part 2"

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Madara didn't know how he got into his current position, ok he knew, he just didn't understand why or just how. He had been an idiot and agreed to Hashirama's demands to watch over Tobirama while he (Hashirama) was doing his job. Right now the Head of the Uchiha clan is sitting by a small pond in the Senju brothers' private garden, making sure no one outside of the clan will see Tobirama while he still has that blasted fishtail. It wouldn't be as bad if the said Senju wasn't sprawled next to him on a flat rock. Lying on his stomach, the tip of his tail hanging above the water, basking in the warm glow of the sun, his blue scales shining in the light, creating a rainbow on the smooth surface of his tail. His head lying on top of his folded arms. It wouldn't be as bad if the beautiful asshole didn't choose to sit up, showing off lean muscles and pale skin. So much different from his brother's darker shade. Their opposing looks matched their opposing personalities, while Tobirama was quiet and calculated, always strategizing, Hashirama was loud and obnoxious, always following his dreams and believing in people. it was a good thing Tobirama was with Hashirama, they form a perfect team together, Hashirama with his friendly personality and Tobirama with his quick mind. Tobirama just had to sit up and talk. "You have been pretty quiet since you arrived." The pretty pale asshole mused out loud. Madara flushed slightly and turned away. "So what? I can be quiet too you know." He was startled when he heard a chuckle and when a body pressed against his side, flushing more, not daring to turn around. "Are you blushing Uchiha?" Tobirama asked with a raised eyebrow. "N-no!"Madara stuttered and was startled when he felt the wight against him press into him more firmly, a warm breath against his ear and a whisper. "I think you are." Madara didn't know if to feel relieved or frustrated when he felt Tobirama quickly dive back into the pond, frustrated, he looked over, his face flushed. Damn siren. He leaned a bit closer to the water and yelped when two pale arms wrapped around his neck, dragging him in and under the surface. He quickly swam back up and took a deep breath, snarling when he saw the asshole do the same and laugh. He then smirked and threw himself at the half-fish getting a startled yelp in return which of quickly silenced when Madara pressed their mouths together but frowned when he felt the albino smirk. "Took you long enough, you were staring for half an hour." Madara flushed again but before he could say anything Tobirama pressed his lips against his, mouth opening up for Madara's tongue.


It was later that evening when Hashirama came back, asking why they were wrestling under water. They definitely didn't say that it was more like wild making out. Yop. Just wrestling.

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