Chapter 9 (Not Good)

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                                                        Kc pov

i have been with the team for about a month now i have to admit that they have grown on me i walk up the mountain sitting indian style i must clear my mind it has been distracted of late i thought i start meditating in Arabic until i hear the crunching of the grass but i don't lose my focus i keep meditating my hands on my knees clearing my head until i hear someone clear their throat i open my eyes Robin as in Damian wayne i said smirking standing up how are you i said hugging him fine i heard but i couldn't believe it he said joining a team the great shadow he said smiling at me lets go for a walk Damian said i nodded standing up we walked along the beach as we talked so how did all of this happen beloved he said that name always made me blush well it all started we talked and talked and at rare times laughed 

                                  Batman pov

"I knew this would work" i whispered as me Canary and Arrow watched from a distance Shadow and Damian walked and talked when i learned that they knew each other i called Damian and told him that Shadow was no longer at Nanda Parbat and was now with the young justice yes Shadow was a great fighter and saved the team a number of times but she still never smiled or laughed didn't know how to be a kid and Damian was the same but when they were walking on the beach talking i seen something i never seen in either of them happiness laughter and a sense of comfort "i don't believe it" Arrow said "they know each other... and she's smiling" he said i nodded "apparently she isn't Talia's biological child" i said to them their eyes got wide "she took her in after they found her" i said watching them "and well they are betrothed" i said both their eyes got wide "i know that neither of them are with the assassins" i said "but i see that connection don't you" i said to them both they nodded 

                                  Damian pov

"so my father came to you after you saved his ass" i said she nodded "yeah the funny thing he thought he could beat me in sword combat" she said i laughed at her comment i shook my head "you were always good" i said "almost as good as me" i said smirking at her "oh really" she said smirking "care to test that out" she asked "gladly" i said pulling out my sword she pulled out hers we charged each other our swords clashing our swords making an X as our faces we close "you haven't lost your touch beloved" i said she smiled "neither have you Dami" she said smirking that name always make me blush i thought we pushed off of each other we circled each other out of the corner of my eye i see father and the team she is with great an audience i hate that i thought she had the same look on her face no wonder mother betrothed us she is younger than me but ever since she first arrived with the league of assassins we always got along we took off charging at each other our swords clashing again 

                                        Time skip 

after about twenty minutes we decided to call it "okay tie" i said she nodded "I'm going to have to go" i said seeing the sun going down "but it was great seeing you beloved" i said blushing "just remember what i said" she nodded and with that i walked off back to the titans 

                                    Kc pov 

i watched as Damian got further and further away i smiled under my mask i do care about that boy even with us knowing each other for a long time and us being betrothed be safe i whispered the wind ruffled my suit as i watched him slowly disappearing "who was that" i heard Artemis asked i heard the rest of them standing near me i smirked under my mask i said "my love" in Arabic but no one understood me "someone I've known for a very long time" i said they nod leaving just me alone with my thoughts he gave me a communicator if i ever need anything i looked down at it as i smiled i heard foot steps again "you'll see him again" i heard batman said i nodded "i know we see each other every three months" i said i see his eyes get wide so did Arrow and Canary "what" i asked "nothing" she said smiling "it seems you two are equally matched in fighting" Arrow said "yes we always end in a tie" i said smiling through my mask then i hear a alarm going off "what is it" i asked "Deathstroke" he said my eyes go wide "him and some other villains are attacking wayne tech" Batman said "come on lets inform the team" i nodded following him into the cave team "i need you to go take care of this" Batman said to us "Deathstroke and Sportsmaster are attacking wayne tech" he said "i need Nightwing,Artemis Shadow and Kidflash to go take care of it" we all nod and leave the cave i notice Artemis is tense "you know Sportsmaster" i whispered to her she looked at me with shock then nodded "i won't tell" i said "thank you" she whispered i nodded "keep your eyes open" Nightwing said i nodded we walked in cautiously then i sense something pulling out my sword deflecting the dagger "Shadow" Deathstroke said "i never thought i would see the day" he said through his mask "like wise" i said glaring at him "how do you two know each other" Kidflash said "ah so you haven't told them have you" he said jumping down from where he was i get in defense position "go find Sportsmaster" i said to them they nodded and left "just you and me now kid" he said i nodded he pulled out his sword we circled each other "i thought when Grandfather banished you that i don't know you'd hang up the sword" i said "not likely kid" he said "in fact I'm glad we get to reunite" he said "is that so" i said "yeah now i can deliver your corpse to him!" he yelled lunging towards me but i dodge the attack easily then i go attack him and he blocks it "i see you haven't lost your touch Shadow" he said "like wise" i said in a cold voice "lets stop messing around shall we" he said "suit yourself i just thought i'd give your old man bones a break" oh man I'm hanging around KidFlash too much i thought we keep fighting till he is huffing and puffing and so am i util he knocks the wind out of me and has me pinned "Shadow!!" i hear someone yell "on second thought why kill you when you can be my lackey" he takes out what looks like a collar and straps it on my neck and he gets off me "what did you do!!" i heard Nightwing say  "she's in my control now" he said "stand up" he said i have no control over my body i stand up "Shadow!" Artemis yelled  i look at them "now there's only one way to see if this works kill them" he said i grabbed my sword and charged them not being able to control my own body

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