Chapter 4

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                                                                   Kc pov

After whipping Black Canary good in sparing i leave the cave to do some meditating i climb on the top of mount Justice sitting indian style as I'm meditating a memory comes to my mind


I am four at the time I'm kneeling on both knees Talia is circling me we are outside now my child i want you to climb that mountain in the minimum of two days with just your clothes on your back do you understand my child Talia told me yes ma'm i said good now begin she said i climbed and climbed it was getting dark I'm half way up the mountain the wind was blowing i grab the wrong rock and tumble down a little ways i scream in pain i broke my arm i use some of my clothing and rip it and use it as a sling for my arm then i continued to climb i Finally made it to the top with 13 hours to spare when i got to the top i seen Talia and Ra's al Ghul  well done my child this is quite the impressive feat not many of our assassins make it to the top with so much time left i nodded lets get this checked out Talia said 

                                                   End Memory

I open my eyes to see Batman and company can i help you i said yes we've been calling you for the past 20 minutes Batman said are you alright Arrow asked I'm fine i don't need to concern myself with emotions i said as i stood up we've noticed that you don't exactly talk to the team much Canary said i was told to do as i please correct they all nodded then why trouble with such little problems i said to them because they are your team correction they are a team I'm simply here to observe no you agreed you would try Superman said and i am if I'm not mistaken it was them who tried to evade my mind so what purpose is it to talk to a bunch of teenagers who evade your space i said they all looked at me baffled if you excuse me i said Batman grabbed my wrist lets go for a walk he said for what purpose because i wanna have a word with you privately i nodded very well i said we were walking along the beach you do know your not a warrior anymore Batman said I'll always be a warrior an assassin i said its all I've known all I'll ever be i said I've heard stories about you going to grandfather he trained you i said blankly through my assassin mask his eyes got wide are you really that surprised that i know your identity i said mother spoke of you often i said yes i did train there but i was an adult how old were you he asked four i said your teen team lack discipline or they never would have attempted to read my mind i said they just kids he said and so are you i put that stage of my life past me the day i started my training i said he arched his brow let me tell you about discipline Batman i said with a blank stare the first day of my training mother required me to climb a snowy mountain and to reach the top in two days well a kid that age shouldn't have been doing that Batman said it doesn't matter i still did as i was told the first time i broke my arm but i still reached the top i said with 13 hours to spare i said blankly I'm a warrior an assassin Batman that will never change i said but you never had a chance to be a kid he said if I'm not mistaken we have that in common i said he looked baffled if you'll excuse me i said and walked back into mount Justice 

                                                      Robin pov

I was walking on the beach an i seen Shadow and batman walking talking i heard the entire conversation after she walked off Robin Batman said yes Batman i need to ask a favor of you what kick her off the team no he said i want you and some of the other to show her what its like to be a normal teenager I'm not sure if you heard what she said but she pretty much told you that she is all assassin and warrior i don't think normal teenager is on her to do list just try please Batman said i nodded and made my way to the cave to talk to the team i gathered the team and told them you can't be serious she an anti social freak Superboy said your one to talk Artemis said where is she from anyway she speaks like she's from another time Kid flash said not to mention her skill did you see how she whooped Black Canary this morning Artemis said we should show her since it seems she has no idea what its like Aqua Lad said sigh fine Superboy said great! Megan said 

                                                    Kc pov

I'm in my room practicing with my Katana thinking about mine and the leagues conversation who do they think they are i don't need to be here i need some time to think and i know just where to go i thought just as i stopped there was a knock on the door now what i open the door to see

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