Chapter Three: The Meetings

Start from the beginning

"It's Bella. This is Dani, " Dani waved uncaringly and sighed as she listened to them talk. "and yea we're new." Bella responed. Eric and Bella went off into a conversation, that Dani really had no interest in and so, she decided to leave. Once again, something she does a lot of.

Daniella walked down the hall to her first class, which really wasn't that hard to find. Spanish class. First period. This should be interesting. Dani made her way to the back of the class near the windows and sat down silently. She always liked sitting in the back of the room in her classes because it took the focus off of her and she could go unnoticed.

Nothing really interesting happened throughout her Spanish class. Her teacher tried to get her to talk about herself, but she just stayed quiet and looked out the window waiting for the bell to ring. Her second class of the day was Algebra II. That class was as eventful as her first. Except everyone in the class had heard about the 'new girls' in school and were staring at Dani through most of the class. It started to get annoying, but she lasted until the end of class and then made her way to the cafeteria.

The cafeteria wasn't as pack as she was used to. So, it was easy to spot her sister at a table with the boy who greeted them outside the Office doors earlier. She was also sitting with a peppy brunette, a blonde haired boy who was sitting a little closer to Bella than the others and a brunette girl with glasses and a camera to match. Dani made her way over an took the chair next to her twin, sitting down with ease.

The conversation at the table stopped and the three other people looked at Dani confused and slightly irritated. Dani smirked and turned to her sister.

"Look at that. Perfect little Isabella already making friends?" Daniella teased her sister. Bella rolled her eyes with a slight laugh knowing that this was her sisters usual attitude. However, the other people at the table seemed a little mad about the statement.

"What's your problem?" The peppy brunette asked with a disgusted face. Dani laughed and leaned her arms onto the table looking her in the eyes.

"Oh, I don't have a problem." Dani shrugged before smirking at the girl in front of her. "Yet." Bella laughed at the statement and covered it with her fist.

"Who are you anyway?" The blonde boy asked Dani.

"Daniella Swan, but I prefer Dani." She spoke leaning back into her seat. The three other people at the table looked shocked, but Eric and Bella already knew that they were sisters.

"Dani this is Jessica, Angela and Mike. Guys this is my sister Dani. She seems hard to understand, but I promise underneath all this is the biggest softy you've ever met." Dani scoffed and shoved her sister playfully as they laughed together. The group at the tabel got to talking and after a while Dani got distracted by the sudden silence from Bella.

"Hey, Bella. What's up with the quietness." Dani asked. Isabella was looking behind Daniella's head at the entrance to the cafeteria that lead from the outside.

"Wh-Who are they?" Bella stuttered. Dani turned her head and saw five beautiful teenagers walking, in what seemed to be slow motion, past the window.

"That's Doctor and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids, " Jessica started. " They all moved down here from Alaska like two years ago." Angela leaned in joining the conversation at hand.

"They kind of keep to themselves" She spoke.

"Because they're all together. Like, together together. The blonde girl, Rosalie, and the big, dark-haired guy, Emmett.." Jessica explained as the two walked through the double doors. "..they're a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal." Jessica said in a gossiping whisper.

"Jess, they're not actually related" Angela scoffed looking at her best friend. Jessica turned to her a little at the statement.

"But they live together, it's weird." Jessica grumbled picking at her food, before turning back to the twins across from her continuing her description and identity of the Cullen siblings. "And the little dark-haired girl, Alice, she's really weird." Daniella turned and looked at the family once again seeing each person Jessica described. But one caught her eye. He was walking beside Alice, with curly, dirty-blonde hair and an emotionless face. But Daniella could see the smallest of smiles on his face. She felt her heart begin to race a little faster at the sight of the boy now sitting stiffly at their table on the other side of the cafeteria.

"What-what about him?" Dani asked Jessica. Jessica looked over and then back at the, suddenly, vulnerable girl asking the question.

"The one who looks like he's in pain all the time? That's Jasper Hale. Rosalie's biological little brother. Don't get your hopes up Dani everyone thinks he's secretly with Alice." At that statement her hope was lost as usual. She shouldn't have thought such a beautiful man wouldn't be taken. Besides, Alice was beautiful and Dani? Dani thought she was nothing.

"I mean Dr. Cullen's like this foster dad slash match maker." Jessica laughed.

"Maybe he'll adopt me." Angela joked making all the girls at the table laugh.

"What about him?" Bella's voice spoke up. Dani looked at the boy she was talking about, who just walked through the doors. He had bronze hair and dark brown eyes, paler skin than Dani and Bella, and a radiant sense of the type of person to get the attention of everyone in a room.

"That's Edward Cullen." Daniella saw Edward look over, as if he heard Jessica from across the room. His eyes immediately met Bella's, but something seemed off. He seemed..confused.

"He's totally gorgeous, obviously. But apparently, no one here's good enough for him. Like I care." Jessica scoffed. Daniella could tell she did. "Anyway, don't waste your time." She said to both of the Swan girls. Dani and Bella both looked over at the two boys that caught their eye. Each set of eyes met the other in an intense gaze. Until the girls ripped their eyes away quickly and focused back on their little table.

"Wasn't planning on it." They both spoke at the same time. Before sneaking a small peek at the two boys they suddenly grew very fond of.

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