"All done.... You got a meeting in ten minutes".

She walks back out to the conference room and wait for the investors to show up. I get my files together, pick my coffee up and walk down to the conference room. I kiss Riley as I walk into the room. She gives me a beautiful smile. I sit down and the investors start to walk in, when everyone is sat, we start the meeting.

The meeting with the investors lasted a little longer. After my meeting I walk back to my office and Riley is putting the files away.

"Your, next meeting is three o'clock".

I nod and carry on with my paperwork. The afternoon went so quick, it's time to leave. Riley and I walk down to the limo and slide in the back. We are now driving back to Riley's; my parents are arriving at Riley's at six o'clock.

We get to Riley's and Alex is waiting for me. I hear Riley talking to her dad.

"Riley, the doctor needs to see you, and take bloods".

"Dad, what is the point, they find a donor and at the last minute they back out".

"We could try and find your mother".

"That isn't going to happen, no and I mean no".

"Riley, we'll keep looking, but you need to rest".

"I'll rest, this weekend".

I really don't know what is going on, Riley won't talk to me about it, but this could be the reason she's giving up her racing career.

Riley walks over to Alex and me, she kisses Alex on the cheek.

"I'm going to change".

Alex and I walk into the kitchen. Zayne looks at me.

"Hi, Wyatt....My daughter is so stubborn. All I need to do is look for her mother and get her to have a test".

Riley walks in and smiles at me, she looks at her father.

"Dad, I don't want mum around. Someone will come up, I've only been waiting a few months, and the doctors caught it in the early stages".

"Okay, sweetheart, we'll keep looking, but you need to go and have the blood test done".

"I will, I'll ring the hospital tomorrow".

Zayne looks at me.

"Wyatt make sure she does?".

I nod, and Riley looks at me. I smile, but I still don't know what's going on. Whatever is going on Riley is angry at her father for mentioning her mother.

She walks over to Alex and takes his straps off and cuddles him, she walks over to a cookie jar and opens it.

"Alex you can have one, while I prepare dinner".

"Thank you mummy".

"Wyatt, do you want to hold him?".

"Yes alright...Come on Alex".

I walk towards Riley and take Alex and sit at the table with him. I look at Riley and she starts to prepare a meal. She looks over at me and smiles, I smile back.

"Riley, sweetheart I better get going...I'll see you in the morning...Oh yeah, you got a meeting next week at the speedway with the sponsors".

"What day?".

"Friday in the afternoon, I thought it would be better, because Alex is at school".

"Yes, that should be alright, I'll have to ask my boss if I could have the afternoon off?".

Boss's Ex Personal AssistantWhere stories live. Discover now