Voice Of Reason

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Octavia was listing out commands when Clarke entered the room with Bellamy, Monty and Harper. They offered a way around the eye but they would need help and time. Octavia agreed to give them that but until the eye was down anyone who tried to defect would be shot down.

Nia went to the office after she knew Octavia would be present. Atlas waddling in front of her excited at wherever they were going.

"I hope we're not disturbing." She announced when she opened the door and Atlas rushed in.

Octavia looked up from the map and surprised to see the company that had entered. She had seen Atlas but had not had the chance to see him privately.

The child wasted no time exploring his new surroundings and the new person among them. He made his way toward and held his hands up for her to pick him up.

She hesitated before grabbing a hold of him and holding him against her. His head full of curls that could've only come from his father. His tan skin, a representation of both his parents. But his smile was his mother's as he placed his hands on her cheeks and smile at her.

"He's beautiful." She breathed out as she stated into his eyes.

Nia smiled at the interaction in front of her. "Sorry it took so long but you try wrestling him out of three girls' grasp. Hell I'd probably have the same struggle with you."

"Damn right you will." Octavia said while Atlas began babbling to her.

"You should speak with Echo." Nia spoke up after a moment of Atlas' babbling filled the air.

"Don't tell me my brother isn't the only one who go close to an Azgeda spy." Octavia hissed allowing Atlas to roam around the room.

"Six years in a confinded space, what would you do? It's not like I had a choice. With them it was always doing things together despite how much you didn't want to." Nia chose her words carefully. "But when you sit back and observe, you learn a lot of things. One thing I've learned is how good of a spy Echo can be. You have a threat on your doorstep, and no way of knowing who will stand with you and who will stand against you. As a leader you should embrace every valuable asset you can."

Octavia listened carefully but if Nia recommended something appalling then she would remind her of her place. She stayed silent for the sake of her nephew. Atlas had climbed onto the chair at the table and spotted some of the berries meant for Octavia. The little boy simply eating them without a care and showing her mom and aunt who smiled at him.

"My brother is not going to stand back and allow me to take advantage of Echo for my own personal interest." Octavia spoke the arguing point.

"He will, if you lift her banishment." Nia recommended the ultimatum.

Octavia couldn't help but agree that if the option to lift the banishment were offered, it would make them more compliant. She looked at Atlas and knew it had been a while since they both had someone who meant something to them both.

"Do you miss him?" Octavia asked about the heavy topic.

"Everyday." Nia replied with a sad tone.

"Why did you say your fight was over? You could've been here in the bunker with your girls. You could've helped me." Octavia expressed and for a moment Nia saw the old Octavia. The pain of everything in her eyes.

"If I had stayed, I wouldn't have Atlas. I had taken the chip because I didn't want to give into the darkness. I didn't want to accept the fact that they were gone. Didn't want to keep fighting without them. And for a moment after, I saw Lexa." Nia retold the events that had changed her. "She told me to keep fighting, if not for me, then the girls, so I did. Then we found the bunker and I saw a chance, until Fio died and I felt it vanish. I wanted nothing more than to take them to the field and accept death."

Octavia's attention on Nia as she explained everything. She listened intently to every detail.

"But you walked in and made that announcement, I knew they'd be safe with you in charge. They were safe, my part had been done. Then your brother said the Ring would be different and for a moment it was. For the first time I had laid down my sword willingly. I didn't even train with the others, I accepted this sense of peace that I thought I had wanted. I even accepted Bellamy back. It wasn't till Eden when things changed. All the regret he held for leaving Clarke surfaced and all he wanted was to get back down. He started putting us to the side." Her words made her emotional as she revealed everything but showed no emotion to her.

"I didn't want to leave the Ring, to come back to the ground. I kept telling myself it was to keep Atlas safe but I knew I would have to pick up the sword again. I wanted to believe that there was another way to live but now I know that fighting will always be the way to survive." Nia's words have Octavia comfort. It had been awhile since someone had been supportive of the idea to fight without trying to stay on her good side.

But little did she know was that Nia knew exactly what she was saying and how to say. Her words in the beginning were true but Octavia was right six years changes a person.

"I'm glad you're standing with me." Octavia expressed before grabbing her cloak to go out. "What do we do about him?"

Nia looked to Atlas who tried to stand on his toes for Octavia's sword. The sight of him wanting to grab a weapon only made her want to finish her task.

"Indra might want some company." Nia replied before gesturing toward the door. "After you Blodreina."

Wonkru ☣ Bellamy Blake [3]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora