I smiled again while looking at her, trying not to stare too much.

'She really is perfect.'

Jiyeon glanced up at me and I quickly looked, almost tripping in the process.

'Come on, just be cool,' I told myself. 

Once the rehearsal was over, my attention was directed right back to my phone. As I sat in our backstage room, I kept pulling it out of my pocket to check it. 

'Maybe they'll call now.' I kept telling myself.

'Or maybe now?'

'It has to be any second now...'

But every time I check my phone, the only thing that changed was the time.

I groaned, feeling the stress building up.

It seemed like the call was never going to come.

Maybe I was being rejected?

'Sitting around isn't doing me any good,' I thought.

So I decided to walk around the venue, to take my mind off things.

"I'll be back," I said to the others. Half of them were taking a nap, the other half scrolling through their phones.

Wonho nodded at me, Hyungwon giving me a thumbs-up in his sleep.

I had time, quite a lot actually, until we were supposed to open the show. I put on my headphones and started wandering through the crowds of idols, listening to some music. My eyes scanned the group, analyzing them.

I could tell who was a rookie group just by looking at them. They were much more nervous than everyone else, and fidgety as well.

These rookies reminded me of myself back when we debuted.

All of Monsta X were nervous, although we were excited too. We were talented, sure, but that didn't stop the doubt from setting in. It's difficult being watched 24/7 by the public. One wrong move, and they turn on you.

That's why I was so worried about this solo, it had to be perfect! I didn't want to let anyone down.

Then, my phone started to ring in my pocket.

It startled me at first, but I knew it had to be Alex's manager.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket. And sure enough, it was the manager! But this was too public of a place to answer the call, so I would have to find somewhere private to go.

'Come on, come on. Think!' I told myself.

I spotted a dark hallway that was being avoided by everyone else.


It might be haunted, but at least I would be alone.

I jogged into the hallway, phone clutched in my hand. I stopped just short of the hallway, looking at my screen.

'But someone might hear me...' I thought, glancing over my shoulder at the busy venue that was not so far away.

So I decided to go further into the halls, running now. I eventually stopped when I knew I was 100% alone, deciding that it would be best to go inside one of these dark rooms.

I stopped at a door, and turned the knob.

'Wow, this door is really hard to open...' I thought, the adrenaline pumping through me as I worried the call would end.

I finally answered the phone, holding it up to my ear.

"H-hello?" I asked, struggling with the locked door.

Now I was just pissed the door wouldn't open, putting almost all of my energy in the doorknob.

"Hi! This is Im Changkyun, right?" A male voice on the other side of the phone asked.

"Yes! That's me." I replied nervously, giving up on the door. I leaned against it now, trying to play cool even though no one could see me.

"We received your request and Alex is very interested in working with you," I smiled widely to myself, fist-pumping.

'Another win for Im Changkyun!' I beamed.

That's when I heard another voice. It was somewhat faint, but it was the sound of someone calling my name.

I zoned out of the phone call, looking to the door behind me.

"IM!" I heard it more clearly this time.

It was definitely Jiyeon's voice.

But what was she doing all the way over here?

"Sorry, can I call you back?" I asked the manager, my brows knit as I tried to turn the knob on the locked door once again, "Something came up..."

"Of course!" He replied cheerfully, "We'll be waiting."

I hung up the phone and knocked on the door.

"Jiyeon! Unlock the door," I said.

"I can't! I'm tied up!" She called back.

My eyes widened and I was immediately taken aback.

"Tied up?!" I asked, my mind flashing back to the day we were all kidnapped. This seemed like dejavu.

"Get help!" Jiyeon yelled, "They locked the door!"

I wanted to break this door down with my bare hands. But I knew I wasn't strong enough.

'I've never been strong enough,' I thought, my gaze falling to the ground.

When we were all kidnapped, there was nothing I could do. I felt powerless then, and I felt powerless now.

My hand balled into a fist.

If I can't save the girl that I love, then what kind of man am I?

I felt like there was a fire burning in my chest. I don't know what came over me, I just started kicking the door.

As my energy ran out, the door fell to the ground, revealing a shocked Jiyeon. I, too, was shocked that my brute strength worked. But I quickly turned my attention back to Jiyeon.

"What happened?" I asked as I knelt down and started untying her from the chair.

There was no response, so I looked up at her to make sure she was okay. I found Jiyeon staring down at me, an unreadable expression on her face.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly, now done freeing her from the chair.

Wordlessly, Jiyeon threw herself into my arms, hugging me tightly. I was shocked, my eyes wide. I hadn't felt her warmth in so long.

I pulled her closer when I felt her crying on my shoulder.

"Thank you," Jiyeon muttered.

I pat her head softly.

"It's alright, I've got you."

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