Error #4

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Levi's POV:

crash. i gasped, jolting awake and sighing, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. i blinked several times, hearing the folding of my eyelids each time due to the dryness of my eyes. i rolled over in bed to see eren, but the space he occupied earlier was cold and empty. confusing filled my head as i heard a groan from the bathroom.
i slowly shifted my body from the bed and made my way over to the bathroom door, my feet snug against the soft carpet floor.
"eren? are you in there?" i called, my morning voice husky and groggy as i knocked lightly on the door. i heard another groan and then a soft thud, my heartbeat quickening.
"eren?" i called our again, my voice unsteady.
"y-yeah? y-yeah i'm, uh, i'm in h-here. i won't be a m-minute!" he rasped out, his german accent thick with heavy sleep.
shuffling was heard and a few drawers were opened and closed yet again. moments later the bathroom door swung open and eren stood, smiling sheepishly at me. the corners of my mouth raised up slightly, returning back to a straight line within the blink of an eye.
"h-hi levs." eren smiled and hugged me loosely, letting go moments later. he went to sit on the chair placed under his desk when i grabbed his arm weakly, him wincing slightly.
"hey, are you okay? i heard a groan from the bathroom." i questioned wearily.
"o-of course i am levs! i just.. tripped?"
"in the bathroom?" i quirked an eyebrow.
"y-yeah.. uh. anyways. i need to do homework." eren slipped his arm from my grasp and sat down on his desk chair. lazily pulling out his homework from his bag, he sighed.
"what's up?"
"french." he groaned and leaned back in his chair.
"french? what's so bad about it?" i asked, walking over to the desk and sitting on the edge.
"i cant do it. it's hard enough learning english, never mind french. why do i even need to do french? i have german and english." he rambled on, as he picked up his pen and flipped to the first page, reading it. he let out a frustrated sigh minutes later as i peered over at him, his hand running through his hair as he struggled to understand the language.
"need some help brat?" i offered.
"y-you know french?" he questioned, his duo-chromatic eyes met mine and i smirked.
"en peu." i answered, which made him even more confused.
"um per? what's that supposed to mean?" his eyebrows drew closer together as i just laughed.
"en peu, it means a bit."
         i turned his homework sheet towards me and read through it. simple. picking up his pen, i turned the sheet over to the blank side and started jotting something down. i could feel eren's eyes bore into my back quizzically. after a minute or so, i finished and gave him back his sheet.
"w-what's this?" he asks, his stuttering seemed adorable to me, but i would never admit that out loud.
"you seemed confused, so i wrote a couple of notes to help you on the back. it has a few translations along with it, as well as some basic vocabulary. it should help en peu." i muttered, watching in stare at the sheet.
"t-thanks levs." he smiled and i faintly smiled back too.
"when you said you knew 'a bit' of french, i thought you meant a couple words. this is more than just a bit." he laughed, and i chuckled; "i'm fluent in french actually. it's my first language."
eren gawked at me, "really? so you, like, know the whole language?" i nodded, "did you live in france?" he asked. i nodded.
"that's where i transferred from."
"wow. that's so cool. i cant believe you're fluent in a language this confusing." he said, stretching his arms out to show how confusing the language is, causing me to laugh.
            as eren continued working on his homework, i took in his appearance. his hair was a disheveled mop of brown locks on top of his head, his jaw perfectly defined and his nose button-like. his lips pulled into a beautiful smile whenever he was happy, though sometimes the smile didn't seem.. right? anyway. his lips looked soft, kissable in my opinion, but his eyes are what really got me; they were unlike anything i've ever seen before. one eye was a breathtaking oceanic blue, with swirls of different shades of blue and green hues. his other eye was a gorgeous amber colour that made me swoon, his iris' gold like pooling honey. they drew me in. breathtaking. eren was absolutely breathtaking.

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