Chapter Two

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Kate Andrews

"Umm, Peaches.. One large coffee with hazelnut?" I looked at the to go mug in my hand as I leaned against the office door, two lunches stacked in my arm.

Ms. Seaches lifted her eyes from her computer and stared at me over the edge of her glasses. Uh, that was hot. She shook her head, a smirk on her plump lips, before she pointed to the chair across from her.

"Sit..." She said simply, then looked back to screen.

I smiled and walked over, setting down a salad and her coffee before turning back to the chair against the wall.

"So.. you couldn't go more than one bell without getting an after school detention?" Her slender fingers moved the mouse on her desk, clicking out of her email. She reached and grabbed the coffee with one hand, while working to open the plastic container with the other.

"She gave me a detention for being late." I rolled my eyes "which is why I'm here in your office. So you should tell her that so I shouldn't have to be punished for the same thing twice."

"Well... she said it was for putting your feet on another students desk, cussing and..." She paused and looked at the note on her desk "oh... and listening to music in class" Ms. Seaches cocked her brow and watched me for a moment.

I smirked and opened my lunch without response.

She chuckled "Mmmhm..that's what I thought."

She shook her head as she stabbed a bit of lettuce and slid it into her mouth. The fork slid out slowly from between her deep red lips. My God that's hot. I stared, my eyes slipping down her slender neck. She leaned back and watched me

"Eyes Andrews... and you do realize that when you have after school detention I have to give up part of my evening.." she cocked her brow again. Seriously I would marry this woman. She was so fucking sexy.

"You don't enjoy our time together?" I pretended to be offended.

She laughed "Mm.. enjoy is not the word I would choose to describe it.." She smirked and took another bite.

" Oh.. I'm sorry... I meant, thoroughly enjoy. I know you do."

She shook her head.

"Come on, Andrews. I'm serious." She smiled, but this time it was filled with pity.

"Don't look at me like that..." I shifted in my seat. I hated when people looked at me like that. Like I was some poor pathetic puppy that had been beaten to within an inch of it's life.

"Kate... I just want what's best for you. You need to start taking things seriously."

Oh no. She never called me by my first name. I sighed and pushed my food around with my fork.

"In nine months you're going to be on your own, and I..."
"I'm basically on my own now." The words slipped out more harshly than I'd intended as I glared back and forth between her eyes.

Her head shifted back slightly as her brows lifted, before she looked down and set her salad back on her desk. She slowly wiped her lips with a napkin as she swallowed her food.

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