Chapter24: My Turn

Start from the beginning

I opened it easily remembering the basic code for Claire's hotel room.
The two of them really needed to work on their passwords.  I scrolled through alphabetically before coming across the name I wanted.

I texted without making any mistakes even though I was typing at the speed of light. My sweaty digits retracted from the device as I scrambled to find a suitable outfit and prevent my wrist from breaking at the same time.

I pulled open the door and stormed towards the exit. My feet swiftly glided across the floor with the exit the only thing on my mind. "Wait" David held a firm grip on my wrist but not enough bruise. "Where are you going?". Was he being serious now? No apology. No explanation.

He didn't have the right to be upset with me at this moment in time.

"Are you serious? No, if you're fucking with me stop it now. The prank has gone too far, because even though I've never been in love before, I am certain this" I placed my hand between use and moves it back and forth.

His grip became tighter but I brushed it off. "It isn't how it works. You and most arrogant men out there think you can do whatever the fuck you want....and I wouldn't be fucking angry! All my life it was me pleasing everybody, making them like me, being the obedient little girl I am supposed to be. Well guess what, when I finally let go, my heart was crumpled to pieces and thrown out the window letting the rules fly with it too.

You left me. After I told you something so treasured by me. You left me alone in that room, you left me standing there. You left me confused, scared and heartbroken. You walked out on me". I jabbed my finger into his chest with every 'you' as he let go of my stinging wrist.

"Now it's my turn to walk out".


I reached the base of the stairs and completely ignored the elevator for once. Men clad in black similar to David's guards stood by the doors and window panes.

Still confused, I edged towards the doors looking to see if Dom had got here yet. As I walked closer and closer the sound of screaming men and women became louder. Cameras flashed and clicked which had me wondering who they came to see. I reached the door and a tall olive man held it open managing to keep the reporters at bay.

"Mrs Gandy, how come you wedding was so discreet?"

"Mrs Gandy, when was the public going to find out?"

"Mrs Gandy, why was the wedding rushed?"

"Mrs Gandy, are you pregnant?!"

My eyes bulged at the last question and I immediately hid my face down. I thought David said we were safe here. Questions continued to fire at me as my breathing picked up. I felt like I was being compressed as people pushed and shouted at each other trying to get answers out of me.

"Stop, get away from her. Now!" My breathing steadied as my saviour cleared the crowds. The reporters went silent as my bejeweled hero helped me up from the ground. Quiet whisperings were exchanged from reporter to reporter.

The silence lasted all but a while before the screams and unanswered theories erupted once again. "Who is the mystery man!?"

"Does David Gandy know who this man is?!"

Entering the refuge of Dominic's red ferrari he sped through the hoards of people gathered around the entrance to see what was going on. After travelling down the dark coloured road the tension finally became awkward.

I stared out the window longingly watching as oblivious humans went about their daily lives. Dishing on the latest gossip or most recent celebrate surgeries. Completely oblivious to the men behind those masks. I wonder if all celebrities are in the mafia?

Only realising how popular and we'll known David must be, those accents were clearly American indicating, the flew over here justly ask me a few poxy questions. Who could be so-

"Hey, don't think about it too much?" Dom turned tome with his eyebrows crumpled and a worried expression. I dent him a reassuring half smile before turning my attention back to the mini cafes and bustling bakeries.

We pulled up into a white building not too long after and Dom stopped the car. "I'll let you drive back. Just smile please?" he had a small pout on the bottom of his face and I bursted out laughing.

I couldnt hide the happiness I was finally going to get to drive this baby. We walked simultaneously into the hospital approaching the desk in no time. The nurse looked bored as hell as she typed lazily in her computer.

She looked up and hurriedly started fixing her clothes and patting down her hair. Dom talked to her charmingly trying to get us a visit while I zoned out. My gaze was grabbed by the television high in the front corner. The looping video played of Dom helping me up and into his car. A voice over played of the reporter discussing if I was having an affair with the mysterious hunk.

Humans literally had no purpose anymore, and this proved it.

I rolled my eyes as Dominic called my name and we headed down the hallway. We reached Pierre's room, he was reading a novel but held the book up above his head. We entered the room and a wide smile was placed on his face.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his giddiness. I barely know the man but since I've met him, he's been nothing but kind. "Hey guys, thank you for coming". I took a seat beside his bed and Dom stood behind me gripping the padding.

"It our pleasure really," he chuckles again but it is soon died down. For a few minutes we laughed and joked around, Pierre constantly commenting on my manners and how much Dom needed to learn.

"Love, do you mind giving us a moment?" I shook my head and exited the room gracefully. I peered through the keyhole only making out a few words the were being exchanged between the two.

"No... Yes but..... He's after her". I pulled back from the door with a drink of sweat trickling down my forehead. My clothes suddenly becoming extremely tight.

Who was after me?

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