Remember The Deal

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Ashton gave me the time I asked for. A lot of it.But now we are, okay-ish. I forgave him for not telling me about Hannah but the air around us has since been a little chilly. I had spent the rest of the vacation hanging out with Harry. He and I have been growing even closer, he is a great friend. The hole Ashton left, I almost forget about it when I'm with Harry. Their mini vacation was over and we were off to Europe. I hugged Elle and Alice tight as we said our goodbyes.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Kat." Alice said. I nod into her neck. "Don't you be a stranger now."

"I won't. I promise I'll come back and visit every summer. " I say and turn to Elle.

"Don't you get pregnant now." She smiles at me sadly. "I am not ready to be an auntie." I laugh.

"Don't worry. I won't." I say and she grabs me tight.

"Don't forget us." She whispered.

"Are you kidding me? How could I forget you when we'll be chatting all the time." I wink at her.

"Flight two-nineteen to Ireland now boarding." An automatic voice says and I know it's time to go. I let Elle go and bend over to pick up my carry on.

"Hey Calum." Elle says. Calum turns around just as Elle is rapping her arms around his neck. She pulls his face to hers and kisses him hard. She pulls away just as we start hooting at them, and Cal blushes. "Don't go kissing any random girls okay?" I bite my lip and smile at them.

"Can do sister." He winks at her.

I sigh. I'm so happy for them. My happiness is short lived however when the she devil starts talking.

"Come on Ashy lets go." Hannah wines and tugs on Ashton's arm.

"One minute babe." Ashton smiles at her. That's right ladies and and gentlemen, Hannah the Banana Brain is coming with us. See Hannah is nice to everyone.

Except me.

But she's passive aggressive about it. She made it a point to put my stuff in the hallway out of Ashton and I's room at the last hotel, because she didn't like that her boyfriend was sleeping in the same bed as another girl. Not that she didn't trust Ashton, she just is convinced I'm trying to jump his bones every chance I get. Which at one point I was fond of the idea but now he's off the market and I am not that kind of girl. I ended up on the hotel couch, it was comfy though so that's a plus. Oh then then after the luggage incident she shoved herself between Ashton and I while we were sitting on the couch watching the Amazing Spiderman 2. I wasn't even sitting close to him. I was sitting in the middle of Ash and Harry on the three seater love seat with my feet between Ashton and I. She fucking sat on my feet. After I asked her to move politely just so I could take my feet out from under her rude ass she turned to me and said she was going to sit next to her boyfriend and nothing was going to make her move. Bitch. Also she calls Ashton "Ashy". Now that's just degrading to the poor boy. And it makes me uncomfortable. Ashy? Ashy? What kind of fucked up pet name does this bitch does she think she can use on my best friend. It is such a cliche bitch white girl thing to call your boyfriend a shortened version of their name and add the ending "ee" sound to it. Which is why I now call her Hannah the Banana Brain. Cause her brain holds about as much knowledge as a banana. And it rhymes.

"Kat stop glaring before she sees you." Harry whispers in my ear.

"Let her see." I mumble and Harry laughs. "Will you sit next to me and Bear on the plane?"

"Yeah sure." Harry smiles and we board the small privet plane. I take one last glance at Alice and Elle. They smile at me and make the calling gesture. I nod give them a thumbs up. After Hannah passes me I fake gag quietly and make kill me gestures back. "Kat." Harry says warningly. I smile at him innocently and bat my lashes at him. Harry just rolls his eyes and shakes his head before pushing me along the corridor to the plane.

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