Remember in Whales.

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Ow. Ow ow ow. OW. My body feels like it's been hit by a car. Fuck you Max. I peel my eyes open and groan.

"Kat? Are you awake?" I turn and see Ashton. I feel my heart shrivel and break. "This is all my fault. If I hadn't fought with you then this wouldn't have happened." He says.

"Hey at least I'm not dead right?" I try to joke and Ashton glares at me.

"That isn't funny. You were dead." Ashton says.


"Calla says while you were in the ambulance you died." Ashton says blankly staring at a wall. His voice cracks in the middle.

"Calla?" I thought back but I couldn't remember any Calla.

"She's the one who came and got you." Ashton says. I think hard and vaguely remember a figure over me. My angel.

I shake my head and immediately regret it. "Bloody hell." I mumble and hold my hand to my forehead. I see an IV sticking out of the back of my hand and put it down. I hate needles. "Okay so I remember most of what happened." I say.

"Okay so tell me what happened." Ashton says and takes my hand. He plays with my fingers and stares at my chipped nails.

"Well I remember I was pissed at you so I left the building and then I heard someone talking and I turned around and Max was there. He kept saying how much he loved me and that he was sorry and all that but I said he needed to go home, back to Tennessee. Well he got mad and called his friend out." I feel my throat close. The more I talk, the more I remember. I remember more of what they did and I feel their hands on me. "Th-they started hitting me and I pushed them off and kept running and they caught up to me. Chad held me down while-" I swallow and feel a tear roll down my cheek. I feel Max's hands on me and I start rubbing my arms in hopes of getting the feeling off. My heart starts slamming in my chest and my breathing excelerates.

"Kat it's okay you can stop." Ashton says his eyes growing wide.

"They- they touched me" I sobbed gasping for air.

"Kat calm down." He says and sits next to me on the bed. What is happening. He goes to touch my hair to calm
Me and I scream. I scream so loud. I start rubbing my arms. I have to get his touch off me. I feel dirty and disgusting. "Nurse, doctor, somebody get the hell in here." Ashton yells. He turns to me and reaches to touch me. I let out another scream.

"No!" I yell and yank the IV out of my arm. Tears are coming fast, one after the other, my breathing is erratic. A nurse comes in.

"Kat? Kat!" Ashton yells for me as the nurse tries to hold me down.

"Somebody sedate her!" The nurse yells.

"No no no no!" I moan and cry. Something runs through the newly inserted IV and I feel my eye lids get heavy. I slump forward and into someone's arms, blackness taking over.


Ashton's POV

"She needs a psychiatrist." The doctor tells me. "She's been through a lot physically and emotionally. I'd like to send her to our mental health facility in northern Whales. It's very highly recommended for people in Katerinas position."

"You want to send her to the nut house." Harry says angrily. "You want to take her away from her family?"

"Harry." I say harshly. He and I decided it would be best for him and I to go speak with the doctor about Kat because we are the two closest to her. No one disagreed. After her last episode- one of three she had in the hospital- the doctors recommended we send her to a mental facility to get help. I glance over at Kat sleeping in her hospital bed. Her cuts have mostly scabbed over or healed. Why the doctor couldn't talk outside is a mystery to me.

"As I understand it, Mr. Styles, you travel a lot for your work?" The doctor says and Harry's face hardens.

"Yes I do." He grits out.

"Wouldn't you think it best if Kat had a more... Stable environment to get better in? Being on the road all the time is very trying you must know." He says.

"She needs to be with me." Harry snarls.

"What Harry is trying to say is he thinks it would be better for her to be with family at a time like this." I say trying to ease some of the tension.

"You can't even touch her right now Mr. Styles." The doctor points out. "Not without her having a full fledged episode. She needs to see a psychiatrist. Or she won't get better." He says and looks to me. "Maybe you can talk some sense into him." The doctor walks out without another word

That wasn't very professional.

"He's right Harry, and you know it." I say after a few moments of silence.

"It's bullshit." Harry snaps and sits on the leather chair behind him.

"Never said it wasn't." I sigh and sit across from him. "We have to do what's best for Kat you know?" Harry stares at me.

"You love her don't you." It's a statement not a question.

"She's with you." I answer.

"That doesn't answer my question." Harry says. "Us being together doesn't mean you can't love her."

"Look it doesn't matter anyway." I say and look away.

"It does though. It matters to me and to Kat." Harry says. "Kat loves me and I know that, but she loves you too and I know that if it came down to it she'd pick you. She'd try to make it easy on me but it would and always will be you." He pauses and looks at Kat who is still sleeping soundly. "You're so much stronger than me you know."

"That's not true." I say practically appalled.

"Yes it is. You're strong enough to let her go. I know she has to go to this place in Whales, but I don't want her to leave. You're strong enough to know that it's best for her and that you need to put your feelings aside." A ghost of a smile plays on his lips. "I could never do that."

"Harry you're tired you haven't slept in days you need rest mate." I say. He nods.



Kats POV

3 months later

Wake up.

Eat breakfast.

Take pill.

Go for a run.

Eat lunch.

Take pill.


Eat dinner.

Take pill.

Go to sleep.

This has been my schedule here for the past three months. They like to keep things simple here. I like that. I've stopped screaming when men touch me. I even hugged one of my nurses.


Remember That SummerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang