Chapter 3: Information

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Chapter 3: Information

Seth O'Connel.

Age: 35

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 221 (approxamatly)

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Red

Heritage : Irish

All of this information was embedded into my head, just another of the many skills that the Guardians were highly skilled at. All I really had to do today was get close enough to that man to kill him without being seen. It would take skill of couse, but even more so now because of the fact that he was the head of the Irish mob...

Knowing all of this was not enough, the elders had to give me something to do to risk my life, as always. So I was headed into the slums of London, it was not hard to find, as I walked swiftly along the alleyways. I kept to the shadows, the overcast clouds helping, as I noticed the buildings getting far more shabby and the people getting a harder edge to their faces. They were dressed in rags, most of them pulling tattered umbrellas out as if preparing for it to rain, it was always raining here a light drizzle of rain that felt like a sticky mist.

I  started to watch from the alcove of one of the allies, my hood pulled down so that if anyone looked they could not be able to see where I was spying. Watching a courtyard of sorts, there were groups of people together seperated from others, I could distinctly tell by the standoffish way that they were watching one another, switching from one foot to the other, glancing here and there, the faintest gestures, licking of lips, popping of knuckles. All the slight details showing how uneasy that some were, while others were at ease, home.

I was also listening:



"You boombin' skipper! I saw yie's dip 'is pocket!"

"Bloke must'av been worth a perty nail en screw, ey?"

"Why in the bloody world would I tell ya!?!"

It went on like this for most of the time, I wasn't getting anywhere with just listening like this, I needed information and I wanted it now. With that thought I emerged from my little nook, striding confidently towards the closest group. I suspected that they were Irish by looking at their red hair along with their raggid clothing, not to generalize of course but it was the most likely place to start.

"Oy!" I yelled confidently, mimicking their accents. There were three men, more like teenagers, and two women, again they didn't look old enough to be out of the house.

The five of them looked at me with what I could only consider a general sneer.

"Do any of you know the name Seth O'Connel?" I asked with my gloved hands on my hips.

They all seemed to glance at eachother before answering, the tallest of the boys, the alpha it seemed, "You got no right laggin' round here 'nd askin' bloomin' questions about O'Connel," he seemed to brush me off then, along with one of the women scoffing at me.

"Yea! Go find yo'self a good bend!" said the boy with a scar on his cheek, they all snickered at that.

"So you know him?" I  asked, my fists clenching with impatience.

"Sure we kno 'im! Wouldn't go barkin' up that tree lass, he don't like gals like you." said a high pictched voice of the smaller girl.

They all laughed at that, my temper flared dangerously high with the insults, my rage was not something I kept on a short leash. I never liked humans like this, if they had any idea who they were talking to? No, of course they didn't.

"Get lost!" said that tallest boy, he was a head taller and started to walk past me, about to shove me to the side when I grabbed his wrist.

"Not a good idea boy." I told him, voice dangerously cold.

"Little squeek want a fight?

I gripped his wrist tighter, "Tell me if you know Seth O'Connel."

"Step off." he shoved my shoulder.

And with that I took his upper arm, twisting it around his back, he yelped in suprise as he was forced to the ground by my sheer strength alone.

"'Ey! Got off 'im!" yelled one of the boys when I faintly faintly heard the slide of a blade behind me, I twisted my leg and brought it up in a high kick. The blade getting knocked form his hand along with another kick to his stomach, making him double over.

There was a crowd around us now, yelling, hungry for blood, but I wouldn't give it to them, not here.The boy under me struggled but my grasp was solid. Hulling him up, I pushed through the crowd as he cursed.

I glared at the mass behind me, knowing that none of them would actually get in my way now that I had won my stare could paralyze Medusa herself. I sheared as I shoved the Irish kid into a small allyway, far into the shadows away from the other humans.

"Bloody hell! What ar' you?!? A bloomin' man?!?" he asked, rubbing his wrist.

I growled under my breath almost like an animal, "You idiotic human." I mumbled under my breath as I pulled out one of my blades from my thigh holding it comfortably in my hand, "Tell me what I want to know, and you won't get hurt."

"What in the bloody hell are you talking about?!? I'm leavin'." he told me as he started to go down the dim ally.

But I was too fast, I practically lunged in front of him, landing in a crouch I threw back my hood and I took his collar and with my hand and pushed him with my fore arm pushed him back against the brick wall, harder than necessary most likely. My blade now up and just below his jaw line.

His brown eyes were sprinked with fear now, like a wild animals, "What do you want?" he struggled to ask.

Between clunched teeth I  growled again louder this time for him to hear and to fear, "I want to know where I can find Seth O'Connal damn it!"


I pressed the tip harder against his juggular, "Don't tell me you dont know!" a drop of blood leaked from his skin.

"He-He goes to da-the Ravens Tavern!"

"Tonight?" I could practically smell the fear dripping off of him and it made my instints heighten even more , oh how I wanted to kill this man, the simple slice and spilling of his blood that I would love oh so much... Humans were nothing but insects that my kind toyed with and used to their advantage. One of the many reasons that I was an assassin was that I loved to kill, I loved everything about it, just like my father and the one before that.

I barely even noticed that he had said yes in a frightened voice, "What are you?" he asked, seeing her shiver in pleasure as my eyes glowed a faint blue.

That question angered me for unknown reasons as I watched blood drip down into his dirty shirt, "Don't ask things that you don't want to know human." and with those words I used my non-bladed hand to push his temple hard into my bent knee, instantly knocking him out, I was already gone before his limp body hit the ground with a foreboding thud.

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