Chapter 9: Training

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Chapter 9: Training

I kept James with me at the dusty old mansion that used to be owned by a long lost Duke.  One that she knew every well, he left the house to her in his will "in case she ever needed shelter" her response had been one of no emotion, she never needed help. He was dead now.




Kick. Spin. Kick.


"Are you even trying James?!?" I yelled in frustration, "You are a Guardian. You have the strength I can only tell you how to find it you have to do the rest." I was holding a wooden staff to his heaving chest.





I watched him sigh in frustration as I matched his every move. Before he could even move I shifted out of the path of his on coming fist.

"Bloody speed of yours..." he grumbled under his breath knowing full well that she could hear him picking up his fallen staff. they had been training for three days now, no he shouldn't say just days it had been days and nights she only gave him 5 hours of sleep before resuming his training. Sure, James could feel his body adjusting to the physical work out but every time he felt that pure power surge to his consciousness it alluded his teaching mind.

"You would be my equal if you only pushed harder James." I told him as I started to slowly circle him the staff twirling in my left hand, "Who knows you might even be faster then me... But I highly doubt that."

James flipped the staff in his hands before throwing it like a javelin at my head. Before the staff even glided from his fingers he was moving towards me pulling his arm back to only to move down and sweep his legs out from under me.

I smiled and my eyes glowed faintly in a blue hugh before side stepping his staff and using my strength to not only avoid his leg but using his broad shoulders to jump over him all together.

But then James shocked me. His hand reached for my ankle, grabbing it with angelic speed and bringing me back down to the ground with a loud smack of my back hitting the hard wood. Air was forced out of my lungs as the cracking off the wood echoed in my ears.

My corset hummed with dispersing power as both it and I knew that we had been beat.

James stood before me, green eyes wide with shock as he looked down at his hands. The band around his arm also hummed with strength. "I did it." James smiled brightly.

"Yes... Yes you did." I huffed as I sat up from the floor, there was a visible dent from my body, "should never have picked this room..." It had been one of her favorites.


"Nothing James. Go do a lap and then we shall go out for the night."

"Out? What do you mean out? Angels don't go 'out'... Do they?" His face almost made her laugh at how confused he looked.

"I do. That means that you will too." She told him firmly.

"Alright alright lass." He started to jog out of the doors that lead to the gardens.

"Good. Good man." I said to herself as I lightly stroked her corset, "Guardian," I corrected herself, "Good Guardian."  I just wondered who he really was.

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