Chapter 8: Strange Outcomes

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"A what?"

"A Guardian, or as the humans like to call us angels."

" No, really, what in the blazes are you talking about girl?" He was fairly sure that she was crazy in fact he would bet on it.

She ignored him and tapped the metal circled on his arm with the tip of her finger nail, it hummed faintly and slightly heated up against his skin, "It's still active, but why would you not know who you were..."

James was starting to feel uncomfortable under her crystal like eyes, they didn't waver from the silver band for what felt like an eternity. "Would you stop it, keep your damn nose to yourself," he grumbled mostly to himself because he knew that she wouldn't listen to him even if he wanted her to.

But to his surprise her eyes softened slightly and said, "I'm Elegra DeLigh a guardian like you." She's looked up into his eyes and didn't blink for a few moments, he felt as if she were trying to search his soul with them but couldn't get past something.

"Elegra, strange name for a lady... But I guess you are not exactly a lady either," he frowned, "wait wait wait, how do I know that you really are an angel? You could be just some crazy lady waiting to kill me." He adjusted himself in his seat, hands wiggling to get free of the rope.

Without a word Elegra stepped forward and grabbed his scruffy chin in her hand, her ice blue eyes pouring into his. "I'll show you."


I was young, only a few millennia old when my father took me down to Earth for the first time. My fathers hand felt rough in mine as we fell together but it was comforting as I tried not to cry. Father had always told me to be brave, a Guardian never cried he told me, a daughter of mine would be the strongest of them all.

We seemed to fall for so long before my father wrapped both of his strong arms around me and yelled "Brace yourself Elegra!" The wind whipping away his words as soon as they were spoken.

We landed in the icy cold water of the Earths cold oceans I panicked, trying to draw an unneeded breath as both father and I sank towards the inky black darkness, fathers arms never wavered as he slowly started to pull me towards the surface.

Blood boiled for the first time as gravity pulling harder on my skin. Now she knew why some said it felt like they were actually falling from grace, being so far away from all of their fathers.

Father grunted as he pulled both himself and me to the shore and we sat there for a moment. I was shivering from the cold and breathing much harder then necessary as my father say quietly beside me. His face always looked so serious when they were back home a chiseled chin set in place along with only one wrinkle I between his brows. But here on earth he looked different. The wrinkle was gone along with the tight set of his lips. He was relaxed. It was strange.

"Elegra, I want to show you something." He said as he stood and started to walk along the beach.

Without a second thought she complied and hurried to catch up with his long strides, "what is it-" she stopped herself from calling him papa for she knew that if he did he would say that she was old enough to know that he was not really her father and would do so. He had told her that guardians did not give birth, guardians were given infants to raise and be taught in their trade. He never should have let her call him father.but in her heart he would always be the one that raised her not God who had made her.

Father stood silently watching the tide come in and out and folded his hands behind himself.

"But there's north-"

"Elegra, sometimes one must be patient, it is a skill you lack little one."

"No I don't ..." I mumbled to myself, if he had heard he didn't say anything to acknowledge it.

"Watch." He snapped.

Out of the water crawled a creature, it's skin glittered in the early morning sunlight. While it had a tail of a fish it's body was that of a legged creature.

"What is it?" I asked in awe as it started to breath in air for the first time. "It sure does look funny." I smiled and leaned over it watching it with curiosity, big blue eyes burning with questions.

"Be careful Elegra, that's a very important creature it took God eons to create it. We must make sure it survives this day." he smiled slightly at me then before returning his gaze to the creature.


Humans often think that angels always have their heavenly wings adorned on their backs but we only ware them when we fly back up to heaven.

I stood on the edge of a canyon for my mission had been accomplished, I had killed many beings this evening, some human and others not so much. Their blood still coated my hands, thick and black.

It had been my very first mission alone.Might not have gone as flawlessly as I had wanted it to but everything that needed to be done did get done.

But now I was scared. What if I couldn't get back to heaven? Father told me over and over again that I would be fine that if I believed that I wouldn't have to doubt, to doubt was to question God. There could be no doubt in a Guardians mind.

I balled my fists as a shaky midnight wind blue my matted hair across my face matted with blood. I slowly stepped towards the edge of the canyon and tipped forward until I fell.

Just as I started to panic silver fluorescent wings burst forth from my shoulder blades and scooped me up towards the heavens.

"Yes!" I yelled as I shot like a bullet towards the clouds, looking back at my wings and admiring them for that short period of time before they were to disappear until the next time I needed them to fly home.


James was in shock and awe as the images started to slow and then finally end in front of his very eyes. He was looking at a real live angel, no guardian... But then why couldn't he remember that he was one as well?

"James, do you believe me now?" She asked, now standing with her back to him.

James's wrists had been untied in the time period and he was grateful as he rubbed his temples with both hands. He could feel that every word she was saying was the truth but he could not remember.

"Yes of course I do Elegra." I told her, my voice was shockingly even compared to how I felt, "but if I am one of you, when why would God leave me here?"

"You must have unfinished business here, only when a guarfian has finished their mission can they return home." She frowned and ran a hand through her thick hair that laid over her shoulder, he was slightly mesmerized as he remembered how she looked with her wings, he longed to see them again. But more then that he wanted his wings back as well, he could feel the tug on the edge of his mind.

"Damn it... Then what in the Gods name is it?" He asked to no one but himself.

"Only you and as you said, God, knowers the answer to that Mr Ogden." She turned back to him and laid a single finger against his metal band, it seemed to spark to life at her touch, "you have some learning to do if you want to get your memory back as well as your powers." She sighed and pulled he finger away when he wanted to tell her to keep it there. Whenever she touched the band of metal he felt more alive then he has in years.

"Alright lass I'll follow your lead." He said with a smile and winked up at the guardian.

He caught the edge of her lips curl up before she returned them to the tight lipped face he was getting used to.

"Here's your first lesson,'' she leaned down towards him and he froze, "never wink at me again." With that she then punched him square in the stomach making him double over in the chair.

James heard her laugh coldly before groaning, "Yea, winking.. got it."

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