Untitled Part 3

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The airport looks to be untouched but everything looks too perfect so we park and decide to watch the place for a bit

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The airport looks to be untouched but everything looks too perfect so we park and decide to watch the place for a bit. We've been waiting for about twelve hours everything seems normal so far, our parents have gone to check out one of the hangers while we pack and find things we might need. After Dex and I packed we go and check another one of the hangers, three in a row are empty till we come across our parents trying to fix a duster plane. There seems to be one part missing from the engine which my father finds odd and suddenly something clicks into place this is a trap.

We all race out of there back to the van, grabbing our bags we head to the bushes but stop suddenly when we notice glowing eyes staring at us. We turn head on heels and leg it across the airport heading for the desert like road ahead of us, our parents are screaming at us to keep up and about halfway across we are stopped dead in our tracks. As two cars are pulling up to us I grab Dex holding him close my parents stand in front of us guarding us from the monsters. I kid you not the most beautiful woman stepped out of the car, she had godly features something vampires treasure. As she walked up to us I looked around my parents to the other car, losing my breath and my heart skipping a beat I lay eyes on him. For a split second I gave in to the feeling humans feel when they see a vampire that intoxicating feeling of need and devotion, I pinch myself cursing myself for giving in at that moment I promised myself I would never ever let that happen again I will control myself like a slab of concrete.

That day will forever haunt me in my dreams and crush my soul, the pain I felt that day changed me as a person changed my view on the world. Both the beautiful vampire creatures walked up to us then stopped a metre from us, the female vampire started laughing then with an evil smile ripped out my mothers heart from her chest placing it in my hands and stroked Dex's face. I was frozen still with tears streaming down my face I couldn't move couldn't breathe, I droped and grabed my mothers lifeless body crying out to her to wake up Dex screams at her saying we can't lose her shaking her body with all his strength he lost hope that day. My father goes to draw a knife then stops and shouts at us to shut the hell up, she still has an evil smile on her face admiring the work she's done, Dex stands while yelling she will pay for what she has done, the most monstrous laugh came from her bright red plump lips. She stalks her way over to my brother my father doing nothing, she grabs his face and touches him like a mother would her child she looks him dead in the eyes telling him that he can not do anything to hurt her as she is going to turn him so she can have some fun. Dex pulls back grabbing me to protect me from her she looks from him to me then back at him, this monster is making him choose to be turned or we all die there. I grab his arm saying " don't leave me I can't live without you we are in this together remember".

I don't know why but he chose to be turned he told me to never give up hope then walked to her giving her access to his neck without a flinch, she drank his blood then gave him hers and he changed right in front of my eyes my twin brother leaving me behind something I can never forgive him for. My father is holding me back from trying to save him, my mind is breaking I can't take it I look in his emerald green eyes and plead for his help and all he gave me was a look of pity and a sad sad smile he turned away walking back to his car. She told me and my father to start running she"ll give us a head start and something that doesn't make any sense "Actions have Consequences", laughing she grabs Dex by the hand and takes him to the car. I go to run after him when my father grabs my arm roughly then starts to drag me away, I break free from his grip running to my mother holding her in my arms once again trying to comprehend what just happened.

I'm ripped away flung over my fathers shoulder screaming and kicking to get free, I cried so much I passed out trying to get free. I assume hours laters we are in a shed barely 5 metres by 5 metres my head is pounding and I start crying again, as my father comes towards me I cower to the corner afraid of him. He stood there and did nothing he didn't try to save his son he didn't even flinch about my mothers heart being ripped from her body, I feared him I know since vampires took over you can't show weakness but he has become heartless all of a sudden, nothing is making sense we were so careful how the hell did they find us the more I think about it the more none of it makes any sense. He told me that we will be on the road heading to a research facility that he knows of and that was that.

Dex's POV

Sitting in the car in stone cold silence I could feel my body change into something greater more powerful the blood in my body transforming I'm becoming the monster I most despise, I had to do this to save my sister it was the only option she gave everything for me I had to do everything I could for her and I hope one day she'll see that, I won't lie though i'm under her spell under Althea's grip.

She has taken me under her wing she's going to show me a whole new life one where im not running im ruling. I feel so thirsty it's a quench I need to fulfill the feeling runs deep, deep into your bones gliding through your soul. When the blood touches your tongue a vibrant sensation goes through your whole body bringing every cell to life, this isn't the life I want but i'll do anything for Xanthea no matter the cost she is my twin and I will protect her.

When I found out Althea is a Royal related to Sirius Bloodsun I knew I had made a mistake I knew that I wasn't going to live long unless I played their game. So that's what I did I became one of them I became a monster.

Hey don't forget to comment what you thought also give me some suggestions on what you want to read thank you xx🙂😁

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2019 ⏰

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