Day 5

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I must have passed out. Izuku told himself as he woke up to a thumping noise. The ground was dirty as always and nobody was in the room. Izuku could smell the rotting smell of flesh and blood all over the place. It took him a moment to remember everything.

As the memory flashed in his mind, Izuku jolted up to get on his feet again, only to fall over to his sides.

That's right...! My arms...! Izuku trembled with disbelief. His eyes braved themselves to check for his upper limbs. They really are gone. What was intriguing was that the wounds seemed to have been taken care of. Blood that was flowing out the day before has also stopped flowing. Weird isn't it? The villains hate him so much, yet they are still keeping him alive like this?

No, it's because they hate him so much, they kept him alive.

He tried to stand again with only his legs, remembering his arms are out of service. He took a deep breath as he stood there, waiting to figure out what to do next.

Calm down, me. They're trying to break you. Breaking down is just doing what they want you to do. I can do this! I can escape! Izuku told himself.

"Would you look at that! My baby is awake!" Toga peeked through the door she just opened. Izuku couldn't help but squint his eyes at the light that was pouring into the dark room from behind the door.

"Toga?" Izuku didn't know what to say or do.

"Yes?" Toga jumped in with her usual love struck expression on her face. "I brought you food!"

Izuku grunted, "I don't want it."


"I don't want any of that junk. Just let me out of here, Toga!" Izuku prepared himself for the worst from the girl, but she just smiled at him.

"You called my name!"


"You just called me by my name, didn't you, my baby!" Toga's smile widened. She quickly grabbed her knife and plunged it down to Izuku's right leg. "How sweet! How adorable! Say my name again, Deku!"

Izuku dropped to the ground, grunting in pain. He didn't expect the girl to stab him out of nowhere. Toga seemed excited about something.

"Now, eat up, Deku. You need food." Toga tried to force in a spoonful of the suspicious mush into Izuku's mouth which he later kicked away.

"That isn't food. I don't care if it's not. I just want to get out of here!" Izuku yelled.

The girl with messy buns became silent. Izuku couldn't tell if she's mad or confused. Her face was like a page of scribbles. Unreadable. The faded smile on her face finally returned.

"You know, Deku, Shigaraki just told me something interesting today." She squinted her eyes even more. It always mean nothing but bad stuff.

"Deku, down." Toga snapped her fingers.

Almost instantly, Izuku dropped to his knees.

"What? What happened?"

"Aww... Good boy..." Toga played with Izuku's hair as she giggled.

Izuku tried to get up again, but his body felt like its being pinned down. Toga got excited over the sounds of him breathing heavily.

"You must be confused... but I'm not gonna explain 'cause its a pain." Toga placed her finger on Izuku's chin, forcing him to look at her eyes.

Although what she said was true, that he was confused of whatever in the world was going on, Izuku has several theories in mind. He believed he was drugged again and again while being half-conscious. The effects might be the same as how Shigaraki forced him into a living ragdoll. And this time his trigger is...


"Deku, head and knees on the ground now." Toga commanded.

Izuku was surprised. He didn't expect her to tell him to do that. What he didn't expect even more is that his body moved as he was told as soon as he heard her fingers snap. The best he can do in resistance was tremble, fighting his own muscles for control.

"Good boy, Deku! Good boy!" Toga praised him. She then pulled out another knife and started sliding it down Izuku's back again and again. What was worst, Izuku couldn't do anything about it. Toga didn't care he didn't like it. She didn't care if he still has his arms or not. She didn't care if it's achy or hurting all over.

All she did was enjoy herself.

"Look at me, Deku. Show me your face." Toga lifted Izuku's chin. Before her eyes was the face of anguish. She saw the story in his eyes. The humiliation, the torture, the robbing of his freedom are killing him, inside and out.

Shigaraki casually entered the room and saw the two teenagers on the floor. His face showed no emotion whatsoever. 

"I have only told you about the trigger several minutes ago and now you're abusing it?" he said to Toga. She only widened her already grinning mouth. "Midoriya, stand."

He didn't snap his fingers but Izuku stood up. He knew he looked pathetic. Blood was dripping all over from his cuts. For a while he thought to himself, When is this going to end? Are the heroes even searching for me?

Shigaraki smiled as if he read his mind. "Nobody will come for you. I made sure of that. Not even your favorite symbol of peace."

That was obviously a lie. 

Outside the hidden place, Izuku's friends were having sleepless nights. All Might and the other heroes have been searching all over the place. But can they reach our poor little hero in time?

Silence filled the room as the two villains watched the boy for an answer. 

"If help never come at all..." Izuku started. 

Shigaraki waited with anticipation. Has the little hero finally break?

"I will find a way to escape! Maybe not now, but one day...!"

As soon as he said the sentence, the facial expression on Shigaraki's face changed. He was not happy with the result. Midoriya Izuku was strong. But the stronger he is, the more he will be broken.

Shigaraki gave the boy a blow on the back, ignoring all the open wounds and blood. Izuku dropped to the ground, groaning in pain.

"That hope of yours..." Shigaraki lifted Izuku by his hair. "I don't like it."

Izuku was dropped to the ground. No second was wasted by Shigaraki who gave the poor boy a strong kick to the chest. Izuku went rolling across the room, unable to fight back. 

"You want to escape from this place, don't you? Fine. I hope you can run because tomorrow that's all you're going to do." Shigaraki pressed his foot on Izuku's back, making him scream bloody murder, then left the room.

Now there's just Izuku and Toga.

"What--" Izuku coughed. "What does he mean by that?"

"Tomorrow's going to be fun, Deku." Toga ignored Izuku's question and proceeded in injecting another dose of mysterious liquid as it quickly runs throughout his veins. Five days of the drugs have made it easier to put Izuku under the influence of the drug. Toga injected another dose into Izuku even though he was already calm and unresponsive. She injected the last one with a different drug with pink liquid, just like the one she forced him to drink in the second and third day...

"Let's have fun tonight too, Deku."

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