13 - Tell Me A Story

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"No." Louis simply said, shaking his head with an apologetic look in his eyes. He knew Harry probably didn't want him right now, feeling vulnerable and exposed but there was no way he was going to leave him alone. He took a deep breath, taking a moment to himself to figure out what there is he had to do. "Is Dalton home?"

Harry shook his petite head, a sad smile playing at his lips.

"Let me in," Louis said simply as Harry didn't even put up a fight, moved out of the way and unblocked the passage so he could walk in. He took a look around the perfectly clean apartment, nothing out of place and scoffed at how perfect it looked. He turned back to Harry, frowning. "Tell me what happened here." He gestured towards the black eye. "Don't bullshit, don't cover it up."

Harry frowned this time, raising an eyebrow and looking confused. "It's not a big deal Louis?"

"It is a big deal! Did Dalton hurt you because I swear to god, if he did-"

Harry cut him off before he could complete his threat, looking offended. "What do you mean?" He spat, hatred clear in his tone of voice.

"You have a black eye Harry, what the hell happened?"

"So you automatically assume that Dalton was the one behind it?" Harry challenged.

Louis thought about the last few weeks since he got in touch with Harry and it all seemed to make sense. Harry was always tired, always looking well fucked and wrecked, he didn't have a cellphone besides the old model that was stored safely in his back pocket, he always met Louis only when Dalton wasn't around. All these signs could only point to one thing and it only made sense. But, Louis really wanted it to be false because he couldn't deal with the fact that Dalton has been abusing him and Louis failed to do anything about it. He needed this to be a lie.

"What else could it be?"

Harry laughed this time, sounding surprised and shook his head. "Louis, I got into a fight at the club, that's all."

Memories of when Louis hit Zayn came flooding back to his mind, all the media attention he had managed to gather that day and all the hate they both had been hit with. It was also the unfortunate night where his sexuality had started to be questioned, and hadn't stopped, ever since. He really didn't like being reminded of that day in any way, shape or form.

"Really?" Louis scoffed, not the slightest bit convinced. Harry was a lover, he spread his love and his affection everywhere he went and never once thought about hurting someone intentionally. He would do anything but raise a hand on someone, get into a fight at the club -- the most stupidest thing Louis had ever heard. "I don't believe a word."

Harry shrugged. "I don't need your approval, Lou. I know what happened."

"When did it happen then? Because, I can recall you being at my house yesterday. When did you get the time to go to the club?"

"Me and Dalton went right after I came back from yours, we needed to get out and have some fun time but I happened to bump into someone who was constantly abusing Dalton."

"Abusing, huh?"

"Yeah," Harry moved around his apartment, going to the kitchen and pulling out a can of pepsi and throwing it in Louis's direction. "Have that."

"Abusing how?" Louis ignored any other attempts at a conversation, still not believing the bullshit Harry was feeding him.

"Calling him names that weren't true. You know, immature stuff." Harry chuckled, his eyes dark in the memory as he grabbed himself a can of diet coke and sat down in the living room. "It was a little fight, he just managed to get his hands on me good."

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