Episode Five - Two Voltrons

Start from the beginning

The Paladins cry out from the beating their mecha takes.

"Hunk...can you...?" Keith manages to get out.

"On...it!" Hunk says.

After a moment of struggle he managed to force his bayard into it's port. The shoulder cannon materializes.

"Greatshield." Zarkon orders, pulling Dark Voltron backwards, boosters disappearing. At the same time, Honverva throws up the shield. Lotor, Sendak and Raimon all jam in their backyards. The shield glows and doubles in size.

Hunk's cannon fires. The immensely powerful blast of energy erupts from the cannon, and collides with Dark Voltron's greatshield. The paladins are blinded for a moment as the light of the energy streams against the shield. After a moment the blast dies down, and the Paladins stare at an undamaged, unmoved Dark Voltron.

"It didn't...do anything." Hunk says, stunned.

The greatshield disappears.

"That shield...they have abilities we haven't unlocked yet!" Pidge observes

"Twin swords." Zarkon commands.

Honverva and Lotor both slam their bayards into their ports. Dark Voltron tears out a pair of twin blades, and launches into motion again.

"I don't think we can do that either!" Lance cries out.

Dark Voltron swings one blade in a downward arc at Voltron's head. Voltron throws up it's own sword, blocking the strike, but In the same motion, Dark Voltron swings with the other blade, stabbing Voltron's exposed chest. Voltron is thrown backwards, shuddering from the direct hit.

It is at this time that the Coalition ships step in. All ships open fire, a hailstorm of energy fire surging towards the two Voltrons. Voltron moves to dodge the volley of blasts, while Dark Voltron turns to throw up it's greatshield. Voltron manages to successfully avoid the friendly fire, but Dark Voltron is similarly unharmed, as it's greatshield endures blasts after blast from Coalition ships.

"Sendak, it seems the mice want to join in a fight between lions. Show them why this is unwise." Zarkon says

"Yes sir!" Sendak slams his bayard into place, and Dark Voltron's own shoulder cannon appears.

"No!" Keith cries, throwing throttles forward.

Voltron does not move fast enough. A blast of violet energy bursts from Dark Voltron's cannon. The beam smashes into the nearest Coalition curister, burning a hole through it. The cruiser explodes.

Keith howls with rage as Voltron collides with Dark Voltron. Volton hits shoulder-first flinging the other mecha back. Voltron then drives it's sword forward, aimed for its counterpart's chest. Dark Voltron, however, recovers quickly, blocking with one twin blade, and using the other to counter with a slash to Voltron's side. Voltron is knocked sideways from the hit, and is forced to retreat back as Dark Voltron swings a flurry of strikes with it's twin blades.

"Do not worry little Paladins, I did not forget you." Zarkon says as another sword swing grazes Voltron's shoulder. Voltron reels from the hit, and Dark Voltron moves to follow it up with another.

"Not so fast!" Matt yells, as a dozen fighter shoot out energy tethers fastening to Dark Voltron's arm. Voltron tries to use the opportunity to strike, but it's sword is easily knocked aside.

"Insects." Zarkon says with disgust. Dark Voltron yanks it's arm forward, easily dragging the fighters towards it. The twin blades swing, and in a instant half of the fighters are destroyed.

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