Big move

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My grandfather had came over with my uncle to check out my new car. Not only did he come to see me but he came to give my mother three hundred dollars. 

My uncle had been observing my mother for the whole summer 

I noticed things too, I started telling everyone around me that my mom was starting problems for no reasons. She had been showing bipolar tendencies

My mom had taken the money and ran inside, not evening staying to chat.

That night the same man that had assaulted my mother had walked through the front door. The same man that my mom had started her like over for. 

I ran outside assaulting her "How dumb could you be to let this man come into the house that your kids lay their head at".

We fought and I left, going to my uncles. My uncle never had got the chance to see get him for hurting my mother.

My uncle was a know man from Omaha "John Wayne" they called him a shooter. This night he was ready, Even though he left that life many years ago. 

My mom denied him to come in the house i grabbed my stuff and left. 

Lotus Flower that bloomed out of Muddy waterWhere stories live. Discover now