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Once back at the McClain household, Keith gathered the team, along with some of Lance's adult family members, in the living room. 

"We all need to talk... about the next step," the red paladin said humbly, a solemn look in his eyes. Everyone else had that same look. 

"We do, Keith. We really do," Hunk agreed. It was rare to hear him speak any more. 

"What are you thinking, hijo?" Lucia smiled. You could see that she was tired and grief-stricken, but carried on nonetheless. 

"A grave," Keith said bluntly. "Well, more of a memorial. I think that we should have a physical reminder of Lance,"

Everyone nodded. The one question now on their minds was: where do we put it?

"I know the perfect place. We could... paint or decorate a large rock, and put it under the tree in the backyard. He used to love to sit under it and read books for hours on end," Veronica suggested. 

Pidge looked up. "And maybe the team can do something more official up in space,"

"Perfect," the red paladin said, determined. "Those sound perfect,"

"Mom, do you think that we can set it up tonight?" one of Lance's tíos asked Lucia. Keith couldn't remember the man's name. Lucia told him at one point, but the red paladin was horrible with remembering names. Maybe it was Marcos? Yeah, his name was Marcos. Even he had those McClain blue eyes. 

Lucia nodded in response to her son. Everyone would make a memorial for Lance later that night, under the big oak tree in the backyard. Another small step forward. A heartbreaking step, but a step.


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