A x Cringe x Fight

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Twenty-One- A Cringe x Fight

(Y/N's P. O. V)

"What's this?" I tilt my head to the side as I read the flyer on my door.

Who will win?

Hisoka Vs Y/N

Both have made their way to the 200th floor in crazy time! Both have never been defeated in battle! Find out who is the strongest! Come join us in the arena!

June 6th

Hope to see you!

"What the fuck?" My eye goes wide, "I didn't agree to this! Hisoka!" I quickly dry my hair and get changed. I exit my room with a fire forming in my stomach. I confidently walk down the hall looking for his room. "Wait, which room is his?" I stop dead in my tracks and crumble to the floor in defeat. "Damnit!" I raise my fist in the air with fake tears.

A loud cough makes me pause, "Miss are you okay?" An unemotional female voice asks me.

Turning my head I see a pink-haired woman. Gathering my pride I stand up and cough. "Yes, actually. Do you know where Hisoka Mo- um Hisoka The Magician room is?"

The woman nods her head. "Yes, right this way, miss Y/N."



"Hisoka what is the meaning of this!?" I slam the door to his room open with a bang. What I like dramatic entrances! It adds to my character!

"My, my whatever are you talking about little ninja~" Hisoka mockingly asks with a mischevious grin.

"You know damn well what I am talking about mister," I shove the arena flyer into his face while poking his chest with my pointer finger, "I did not agree to this! This is today! Ugh!"

Hisoka pushes the flyer away from his face and grabs my abusing finger from his chest. "Well, today is my birthday so I thought what another way to spend it if not with you, in an arena where we can fight."

"Wait today's your birthday? And you want to spend it fighting me?" I shake my head in surprised disbelief. "With you, I shouldn't be surprised but I am." With determination, I look into his amber eyes. "Since today is a special day, I have no other choice but to fight you in the arena." I pull my hand away from his grasp and march out of his room.

"Special day?" Hisoka looks up in thought.


"Hello, everyone! In the arena today, we have a match between Y/N and Hisoka! The battle you've all been waiting for is about to begin, and as you can see, the stands are packed! The fight hasn't even started, and the tension in the air is palpable!"

I hear the Commentator girl, I believe her name is Coco, speak to the crowd as they cheer and demand Hisoka and my match to begin. "Man I hope that guy came through for me. I really want to see Hisoka's reaction to his birthday present." Suddenly the lights shut off. Previously leaning against the wall I tense and get ready for the entrance.

"Coming into the arena, with a fiery display, is Hisoka!"

I watch in fascination as one by one blue flame appear around the arena, mist travels around from the middle al, the way to Hisoka's entranceway, and Hisoka walks, let me take that back, he struts, out through the mist. Then the most beautiful thing happens the sound of guitars fills the silent crowd as my favorite lyrics come after.

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