The x Soul x Society

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Chapter eighteen- The x Soul x Society

( Y/N's P. O. V )

I kneel down and bow my head. " I apologize for not reporting in sooner, Head Captain."

Genryusai stares me down. "What did you find on the other side?"

I pull out my Hunter x Hunter Manga. "Proof of a different dimension. People with  the ability to control Nen, another name for Spiritual Pressure, on the other side." I show him the Manga. "Characters from this story."

Genryusai rubbed his beard. "I see, are they dangerous? Can they come to our world?"

"Yes, these people are dangerous but I do not believe they know about our world or how to get to it."

Genryusai begins to laugh. "Why so somber, lieutenant L/N?"  I reply with a short 'nothing.' "Hmm, you wish to go back now don't you?"

"My life is here, sir. I am a faithful Shinigami who serves to protect the Soul Society and the Living from Hollows." I start to shake. Why do I miss it there?

Genryusai stands up. "Does this world have Hollows?" He starts to circle me.

"I, I have only encountered one sir," I remember the Hollow I faced in the woods during the Hunter Exam.

"Then, Lieutenant L/N, I order you to go back and make sure there are no Hollows in this other Dimension. The Portal is still open and I believe a few of the Hollows in this World have entered this other World through this Portal."

"Sir, are you sure?" I hesitantly ask starting to stand.

"Why would I say so otherwise? L/N before you leave, tell the rest of your farewells. You might stay in the other World longer then you realize you want to." I nod and start to exit the room when he says something else. "At the end of this journey, you will have more choices and paths to walk down. Be true to yourself."

"I always am, Gramps. Thank you. " I flash step to the Eleventh Division.

"Kenpachi!"?  I hug the unsuspecting Captain.

"Y/N, are you ready?" His spiritual pressure lashes out in his excitement.

"Yeah let's get this over with!"

Too lazy to write this fight scene, use your imagination of  being a badass who gets violently cut down multiple times by Kenpachi

Barely two hours pass. I could feel the wounds Kenpachi gave me. The blood was rushing out of me. "God damn it, Kenpachi! Learn how to control and limit your power. Next time your gonna end up killing me!" With that, I flash step to the Fourth Division to get healed.

I went to my room, in the Second Division (Meaning yes, Y/N is technically actually a Ninja). "Oh, how I've missed you." I 'hug' my bed, rolling into a cacoon. I jump up and fall and unroll myself out of my cacoon. I take off my void of a bag and start packing some of my things. Then I feel it between my legs. Realizing what was going on I feel doom. "No Mother Nature! Why?" I get up and run into my bathroom.


I guess me being on my period can be an excuse not to go back to the HxH world for a couple of more days. I really didn't want to be in their world while on my period. I roll onto my stomach in pain as a cramp takes place. "I really hate being a girl! Someone just stabs me repeatedly!"


"Y/N! I heard you were back." Rangiku, my favorite red-headed big-chested friend, broke my door.

"Rangiku! I loved that door! That door listened to me every time I ranted about my non-existent love life with Kenpachi!" I fake cry, actually a little annoyed, that she broke my door.

Rangiku ignores me, just pulls me up into a hug. Instantly suffocating me when my face meets her boobs. Though since I'm on my period I don't struggle. Death by Rangiku's Great Boobs. Now Hisoka would just laugh at my sad, sad reason for death.

"Huh? You're not struggling to get out of my hold?" Her confused face quickly turns to realization. "Oh! You're on your period!" She said a little too loud for comfort.

"Rangiku, you don't need to announce that to the whole Soul Society." I hiss finally pushing away from her a somewhat motherly hug. " I love you, but get the fuck out of my room!" Zoom Rangiku runs out of my room laughing.


So my period didn't let seven days, just three. Thank the whatever Lord! Well shit, I don't have an excuse anymore. I still have a month until the fight with Hisoka! What should I do? Stay here and spend as much time with Kenpachi or go back now and spend time with the other guys? Kenpachi, it is! I need to spend some one on one time with the guy I like before I leave for who knows how long.

I flash step to the Eleventh Division. I accidentally trip over my favorite recklace bald friend. Though he just keeps sleeping. Okay then. I walk the Divison barracks when I hear his lovely gruff voice.

"You're doing it all wrong, your form is all wrong, and you're not even properly wielding your Zanpakuto!" Kenpachi's voice echoed through the training grounds.

Not wanting to disrupt I flash step onto the roof and take a seat. I decide to watch him train. It was actually very amusing to me for some reason. Though that only lasts for so long before I just wanna sleep. I 'accidentally' fall asleep on the roof.

( Third P.O.V)

Kenpachi had noticed her when she first appeared, while he was training his men. He wanted to stop and have a conversation with her, but he was a Captain and needed to be with his men. As hours passed he found it amusing when she fell asleep on the roof. He told his men training was over and they could do whatever for the rest of the day. Kenpachi jumped up onto the roof next to Y/N's sleeping form.

"Same old idiot. Falling asleep wherever you please." He couldn't help but chuckle at a fond memory that crossed his mind. He couldn't remember it fully since it was so long ago but it was while they weren't shinigami's just local thugs. After beating up some gang that wanted to test their metal against his, Y/N had casually fallen asleep in his lap. They had been through a lot in the Soul Society.

Yachiru had run off somewhere. Kenpachi was thankful the girl wasn't there to tease him. He continued to stare down at Y/N for a couple of more seconds before realizing that he was kinda being a creep. As the sun began to set he picked her up in his arms. Carrying her princess style he teleported to her room, not at all surprised finding her door broken. He lied the girl on the bed about to leave when he said "fuck it" turning back around he kissed her on the forehead. Slightly satisfied he left to retire in his own bed.

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