Call x Me x Maybe

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Chapter Four- Call x Me x Maybe

(inspired by this masterpiece; I'm dead)

( Y/n's P. O. V )

Having accidentally run off from the group I stop by a nearby tree. Concentrating for any human footsteps I grin. I might be a fool for running off without knowing where to go but I still have my own abilities. Absorbing the souls of the dead I easily become light, gravity has no effect on me. I casually float in the air, walking around I look for Satozt and the others. I have a hard time telling since it is still foggy but once hearing screams I make out a large group of people, the applicants. Making sure Satozt was a part of the group I land in the back of the crowd. Easily gaining speed I look for a certain disguised assassin. Once spotting the man, who was actually next to me, I try to make a one-sided conversation. 

"Hey #301, thanks for the pin." I don't know what to say to him! Yet I want to talk to him

'We need to improve your social skills.' I can just picture Ra facepalm.

My social skills are very intact! Thank you very much!

Crack, rattle, crack

He looks at me with a creepy smile. I puff out my cheeks and let out a laugh. " So fucking weird." Shaking my head I listen as more people scream. "'Til death do us apart. Onwards my imaginary stead." I quicken my pace leaving behind Illumi. I don't know how to say his fake name it's too weird to pronounce. 

Looking around I hear, "...This is our....take advantage...fog...him." Finally noticing the men in robes I let out a sigh. 'What a bunch of baka's~' Not caring about where Satozt goes I follow the fools in blue robes.

Jumping onto a random tree, I perch myself on a steady branch. Slowly hiding my presence so it wouldn't cause the suspension, I relax. Taking out my phone I hit record when I hear Hisoka say, " I'm passing the exam this year, so I won't need to retake it." Dun dun dun the one-sided fight starts. I watch in fascination as Hisoka does his card like a dance of death. "Beautiful," I whisper. Wow, I'm weird but who cares, it, in my opinion, was an epic one-sided fight. Mainly because he killed them all in one blow with just his Nen infused cards. Then another blow to the Leader with the same freaking card. 

Yeah, I kinda felt guilty for not helping him out when he was asking for help but alas got those butterfly effects to worry about~ Now that Leorio and mother 'Pika had arrived I became more ready to help. Of course, I didn't want them to get hurt, they are what makes HxH what it is, with the help of side characters or characters like the local pedophile. Anyway, I focused my full attention on the three, watching as Hisoka made his way to the duo. I begin to stand up knowing what was about to happen. Leorio and mother 'Pika ran away, only for Leorio to run back catching Hisoka's attention. Hisoka being amused easily dodged his attack then BAMM! He was (sexually) harassed by Gon's pole.

While Hisoka was talking to Gon, don't know why people are so fascinated by his pole, I try not to laugh. Calming down I begin watching Hisoka's movements, I flash step behind Gon when Hisoka made his way towards my sunshine. 

"Allow me a closer look." Luckily he hadn't noticed me~

"Your fight is with me!" Leorio stupidly gets up and charges at Hisoka only to get punched in the face like a wrecking ball had come from the heavens or something weird, I down know anymore I'm just a sad little human trying to be funny in the worst moment of the first exam.

Gon taking the opportunity swings his fishing pole at Hisoka, who disappears since he's a magician. Hisoka reappears next to Gon once he lands. Which happens a few more times. Until being done with the bullshit, that is Hisoka, I finally step in. Using flash step I appear in front of the surprised local pedophile, landing a harsh punch to his freakishly pale, hot face. "I'm getting excited now~," He says with a husky voice getting back up. Yes, I did cause him to fall on his ass and I felt epic doing so.

"Nope, just nope. Ten tickets to nope train please." I call out to nobody in particular. "Hisoka leave your shwing in your pants! Seriously you got no shame around the little innocent sunshine!" 

Licking his lips, Hisoka runs at me. Swiftly dodging the punch I flash step behind him. Gon uses his fishing pole, effectively gaining the local pedophile's attention. Then what was originally suppose to happen, well happens. Hisoka lifts Gon up in the air, choking him.

Being a mother hen I kick Hisoka in the ribs. "You might be my favorite pervert but hell to the no will I allow you to hurt my sunshine!" Catching Gon before he falls I glare at the amber-eyed male "Now Mr. Wannabe Examiner, we pass. Now take Leorio to the next exam. Meet you there later. Call me later, maybe~" I wink, mentally facepalming at my lame reference, disappearing into the fog. 

( Hisoka's P. O. V )

Watching as the little Ninja leaves I hum. "What a repine fruit you are~ Just how many nicknames does she have for me?" Looking at the annoying pest I pick him up. Getting a call from Illumi I make my way to the second exam. "I'm surprised she landed two hits on me. Quite powerful ones at that. Just who is she?" With a hum, I feel myself become more aroused. I'll have to fight her one on one someday soon. Once she learns Nen I'll devour her. 

Seeing Illumi in his fascinating disguise I drop #403 next to a tree. Walking up to my partner I say, " Have you meet #13 yet?"

"Yes, she asked for one of my pins." With a crack of his head, he chuckles.


( Y/n's P. O. V )

"Its this way!" Kurapika and I follow Gon, who has the nose of a fucking bloodhound. Feeling breathless I fall face-first into Mother Nature's embrace. " Finally made it to the Second Phase~ Come one come all to our crazy Gourmet Hunters phase. They are never satisfied. Yay." I sarcastically mumble to myself not wanting to get up.

Only to be pestered by Kurapika. Sighing in defeat I get up. Making my way in the direction of Leorio I make eye contact with Hisoka then Illumi, waving at both of them without care. Kneeling down in front of Leorio I laugh at his pain, sue me his swollen bruise made him look funny. Gon, Kurapika, and I decide to say nothing. I put my hand against Leorio's cheek and use a Kido spell for healing. Since I'm such a badass, more like a Mary sue character, for now, I don't have to worry about saying an incantation, goals.

Hearing the doors I turn my head dun dun dun there on a couch was Menchi behind her sat the titan named Buhara. At this point I felt like doom had fallen on me, I need tickets to the nope train just for this round. I'm dead, I don't know how to cook! See not a complete Mary sue.

"I'm doomed. Doom has befallen me. Doomed, doomed, doomed." With an aura of doom Kurapika, Killua, Leorio, and even my innocent Gon scooted away from me. Whistling as if they didn't know me. " 😢 GOURMET HUNTERS ARE BADASS, I ENVY THE FACT THAT THEY CAN COOK AND FIND SHIT I'VE NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE! It's not fair." I cry in envy. " I'M DOOMED!" 

All the applicants that were about to fuck up really badly suddenly went quite

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All the applicants that were about to fuck up really badly suddenly went quite. Looking up I realized they were all looking at me in, honestly, I don't understand the face they were making. Menchi froze her speech, looking at me in awe, Buhara was trying not to laugh. I might be a shinigami, but oh god I think my face is redder than a fire hydrant. 

"Pork it is!" I yell like an idiot hearing Buhara's stomach growl.

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