Chapter 2

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Blake stomped into the bathroom to wash the milk out as best as possible. Andrew came in after him. "Don't worry Blake I decked him after you left!" Blake finished washing his hair and stuck his head under the hand dryer thing.
He dried his hair and stared at Andrew. "I don't need your help Andrew I can handle myself" he hissed. Andrew softly snorted "Sure Blake" Blake glared at Andrew and grabbed his bag and walked out. "Are you skipping the next class?" Andrew asked while trotting along. "Yes" Blake said quietly. "Ah well I'll get your homework" Andrew grinned.
Blake mumbled a soft Thanks and left. He hid under the staircase and took out his notebook to write lyrics to songs he created and he put his earbuds in and blasted Marilyn Manson. He hated school, he hated everyone in it, he despised everything. His home life wasn't great too but it was tolerable. He sighed and clicked his pen several times. He wrote down new lyrics and continued clicking his pen until a new idea hit him.

He sat there for what seemed like hours. He heard the final bell and he was about to come out of his hiding place. When His friend Andrew came running down the stairs. Andrew was a loud mouth. "I got your homework blakeee" he ran into Blake's hiding spot. "Ew a cobweb! Found you!" Blake rolled his eyes and got out again. "Yeah, Thanks" he got his homework and started leaving.
"So I was wondering do you want to hang out after school? I don't have my sport competition anymore the other team forfeited" Andrew asked. Blake shrugged "I have a bit of free time until
I have to go to work so I guess?" Andrew pumped his fists in the air "yeah! Let's go see a movie!"

Blake shrugged. Andrew stopped and looked at him "do you want to go to the art museum?" Blake slowly nodded and Andrew nodded "okay! Then let's go!" He yanked Blake off to the art museum. You watched Blake leave with a small sigh of happiness . "Girl you are way to happy..what have you Done with chey" Ezra screeched. Chris clamped ezras mouth shut. "Ezra shut up!" He hissed. "I have a headache" Ezra nodded and went on his phone. You watched as Blake left with Andrew and then you had to leave.

You grabbed your keys and said goodbye to Ezra and Chris. You looked around for your sister and she flew past with her boyfriend Akito on her motorcycle. "sorry I didn't say anything but my motorcycle was done and I requested they drop it off here. So I don't need a ride I forgot to tell you I was leaving class early!" Akito waved and quickly held onto Andy's waist tightly.
She took off.

Chey sighed and walked off to her car alone. She hopped in and looked over at her passenger seat. "Hi Ezra" ....."wait...EZRA?" Your friend Ezra grinned "surprise!! I needs a ride homeee"
He fluttered his eyelashes at you. "Yeah okay just don't ever do that again" Chey mumbled and started the car. "Can I just come over to your house?"chey looked at Ezra and nodded. "Yay!...your brother isnt gonna try to my shoulder again.." Chey snicker and shook her head no. "Okay cool! I think I still have the bite mark" he rubbed his shoulder. "Owwie"
you started to move when you hit something. "Oh geez what was that??" Your back door opened and Chris hopped in. "Sup, So I got some details and heard Blake was going to the art museum, instead of going to your house let's go there!" Chey stared at Chris "you do realized you could have texted me not hop IN FRONT OF MY CAR" Chris grinned "but it's more fun that way" chey rolled her eyes and started moving again.

They headed to the Art museum that was a few blocks away. Ezra ran in and paid for all of you. "Thanks Ezra" you and Chris said at the same time. "Whoa spooky! You're welcome"
He said happily. Ezra dashed off and it was just you and Chris. "Where is he going??" Chris mumbled. "I don't know Chris.." chey mumbled. Ezra came back a few minutes later. "He's on the third floor! "Let's go!" Your eyes widen and you grinned and went running towards the stairs. Chris looked at Ezra. "That's the fastest I've ever seen her run" Ezra snickered.

They followed you. "Welp she found him" Ezra said cause you were pretending to admire the painting but instead you were staring at Blake. "Oh my she's head over heels in love" Ezra said. Chris mumbled "Whoopdeedoo I'll be downstairs" Ezra raised an eyebrow at Chris. Chris went downstairs in a huff. "What's his problem? Who am I talking too" Ezra shrugged at nobody. Chey watched as Blake walked around admiring each piece and writing down inspiration he saw. She grinned and casually passed him. And went to the painting next to him.
Ezra grinned from afar. "And there goes chey nearing towards Blake what will she do?" Ezra was randomly narrating your life quietly outloud and some old lady was staring at him.  You glared at Ezra from afar and continued to watch Blake softly, not creepily. You sighed and walked back to Ezra. "I'm done!" Ezra smiled "let's go grab food I'm starving!" You snickered and nodded "when are you not hungry Ezra haha!"

You two walked downstairs. You found Chris looking at a statue. He sighed and felt a sadness tug at his heart. Chris was hopelessly in love with you while you were in love with Blake. Andrew walked over "Hey Chris what's up!" Chris shrugged "Nothing" Ezra and cheys mouth dropped. "Hey I have an idea let's go eat together!" Ezra said as Blake appeared. "Fine with me" Andrew said "I'll drag Blake too!" Cheys heart nearly stopped. Dinner with Blake! This was a dream!

You arrived at the food place and Ezra made sure you sat next to Blake. 
Blake rolled his eyes as they all argued who sits where. You had already slid in so Blake slid in next to you. Ezra slid next to Blake and Andrew and chris sat in the other seat. Andrew pointed at Blake. "That's Blake and I'm Andrew! Hello" you all introduced yourself and grabbed some food. You and Blake got the same thing. "Oh my god we like the same food" chey whispered to herself. "So chey I heard you got a good test score while everyone else pretty much flunked the test" Andrew said. You nodded. "It wasn't hard"
Ezra sat up "wait how did you know that?, I didn't tell you"
Ezra looked at Chris "Nope"

Everyone looked at Andrew. "Oh um uh...what did you get Ezra?" Andrew said. You wondered. What was Andrew gonna say?"

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