They took the elevator to Clint's floor, leaving Natasha, Tony, and Paige in the main room. The foremost of the three turned to Tony in question. "Do you have food in this tower, or just alcohol?"

Tony laughed. "Only the best. Though with Thor here we might need to stock up on poptarts. There's a bigger kitchen one floor down. Stairs are over there to the right. I'll join you in a bit."

Paige smirked. "I'd say I would go change, but..."

The dramatic expression of pretend irritation that crossed Tony's face made Natasha smirk right alongside Paige. She turned to the other woman. "Let's go find breakfast. I might need help finding food in Tony's mess."

"Natasha Romanoff needing help?" Tony countered as he hopped into the elevator. "That's a first."

Natasha bit right back. "I need all the help I can get to understand you, Stark." When the elevator doors closed and Tony disappeared, she turned back to Paige. "Come on." She led the way to the fancy stairs down. One side opened to the glass panels of windows.

Paige looked out at the New York City skyline. She had spent time here once in awhile, but she had never seen it from his vantage point before. Pausing briefly, she stared out the window and watched a flock of pigeons fly from one nearby building to another.

Natasha folded her arms and looked at her. "You know, I bet Tony's food is crap. There's a nice bakery about a block down the street. We should head there."

Brightening up, Paige turned her way. "Ok." Freedom.

As Natasha texted Tony about where they were going, they took the elevator from the kitchen down to the ground floor lobby. A large man with dark hair stood chatting with a young blonde woman behind a reception desk.

"Agent Romanoff," said the man in surprise as he saw them leave the elevator. "Mr. Stark didn't tell us you were coming in last night!"

Natasha smiled. "There's probably a lot Tony doesn't tell you, Happy." She turned to Paige as they walked over to the doors and were met by him. "This is Paige Wilson. She's enhanced, and is staying with us in the Tower. Thor's here, by the way."

Happy Hogan's expression stayed neutral, but Paige saw him sighed. "Clearly there's a lot I need to catch up on." He turned to Paige. "Welcome to the Tower Ms. Wilson. If you'll excuse me, I need to ask Jarvis what else it is I don't know." He left them and said something to the receptionist.

The weather wasn't too bad as they walked out into the bustling city. Sunny, blue skies, with only a bit of wind. Paige thanked whatever was listening that her ripped up jean jacket was enough to keep her warm. She followed Natasha to the left. She knew immediately who was a tourist and who lived in New York, and she did her best to emulate the New Yorkers. Walk in a straight line, don't stop to see the sights, stick to the right, single file, keep the pace. She knew city etiquette.

They hopped left and into a bakery about a block from the tower. The scent of cinnamon and nutmeg that floated through the air made Paige pause in the doorway and smile. A cinnamon crunch muffin caught her eye in the bakecase and she got in line with Natasha.

"What would you like?" Natasha asked her as they stood a few customers back, speaking over the drone of the chatter in the cafe.

Paige pointed out the muffin, "And could I have a mocha?"


Once they ordered, they were given a little wooden spoon sign with the number "8". Paige grabbed a table by the window and they sat down. She looked around. The cafe, called simply "COFFEE," felt warm with its wood decor. Paige liked it.

Natasha took out her phone and answered a text before putting it down. She followed Paige's gaze around the place with a small smile. "Clint found this place a few years back."

A waitress put their food down in front of them. Paige instantly grabbed her mocha latte and settled back into her chair. "Why does that not surprise me," chuckled Paige from behind a sip.

Natasha nodded. "I have a feeling he googled "coffee" after a mission and this was the first result."

"It's a nice place though," Paige added.

They ate quietly for a few minutes. Natasha seemed to be very popular based on the number of texts she was getting. After the fifteenth notification, Paige finally mentioned it. "You're popular?"

Natasha sighed vocally. "Tony made a group chat."

Paige perked up and grinned. "That actually sounds amazing. Who's in it?"

"Steve, Bruce, Tony, Clint, and myself. Thor doesn't have a phone. You want in?" Natasha watched her, a smile growing as she saw the young woman's enthusiasm. "Forewarning, any time Clint and Tony get together there is a lot of talking."

"From what little I've seen this doesn't surprise me." Paige paused, her smirk growing. "I'm in."

Natasha shook her head. "Fine. But I warned you." Sending a quick text to the chat, she then added in Paige's phone number.

They got up to leave, meaning Paige didn't have time to look at the chat. Her choice of muffin had been absolutely perfect, and she decided then and there that Clint and Natasha both definitely had good taste in coffee.

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